
  1. Nirnro0t

    Hide That Heart

    A thin pale hand reached through the cell, outstretching, reaching, fingers clutching a small tail, the little creature shrieked and flailed before it was dropped into its iron prison, a beat of pause before a dark, predatory beak snapped upon the mouse. It’s tiny shrieks falling on deaf ears...
  2. Nirnro0t

    Killing Me Slowly

    Fen’nan assessed the damage. It felt like deja vu for a moment. With the last slice of her blade she was the only life left in the room. It was so familiar, Ithanian floors and furnishings. The dark bedrooms. The smell of drying blood. So much blood. It was on her, but it blended in with the...
  3. R

    The Drumming

    There were many things peculiar about Gideon Hackett, as all knew and were willing to tell. What no one ever mentioned, was the drumming. ‘t-tap, t-tap, t-tap’ It followed him everywhere, thudding and thumping like mad. It filled his every hour from dawn to dusk like a heavenly, or hellish...