golden willow

  1. Legoclub22

    A Poster For Each...

    Scattered across the city in various high-traffic areas, stacks of posters were pinned to notice boards or left in piles. There was no accompanying notes, no indication as to the purpose of these fliers. They simply were there, where all may see them.
  2. Messtro

    The Golden Willow Tavern

    ✗ Information ✗ The Golden Willow Tavern itself has changed leadership multiple times over the Regalian City’s history, though it has always been owned by House Kade. This is the case today, though, is a return to old form, several distinct individuals handle the practical day to day running of...
  3. Sadface_Saturn

    For The Dancing And The Dreaming

    Milo stumbled down the street,his loud voice filling the air, it being completely out of tune and of key because of the alcohol coursing though his veins. He had been feeling like absolute shit today, and his depression had snuck up and hit him full force in the face, resulting in a drunken...
  4. P

    People And The New Tavern

    Delicious Tavern Times
  5. Scribbe

    A Belated Announcement

    Patrons and Barkeeps of the Golden Willow, For some time now, the old Grand Proprietor of the Golden Willow, Warren Howlester, has been removed from his position, and replaced by another man. That other man is Nathan the Warden, Imperial Guard and now Grand Proprietor of the Willow, and writer...
  6. xJomax

    He Arrived.

    He arrived. His boots made a faint tapping sound on the cobblestone floor. He looked onwards, towards the Golden Willow. He narrowed his eyes, and grinned. The grin was painful, and tired. A satisfied expression came onto his face and in his eyes you could sense he was excited, but kept it...