god magic

  1. SevenBirds

    On Vanirik Healing And Protection

    (This is a transcript of a lecture given at the Regalian Park Gazebo on August 13th. Thank you to the people that showed up ICly!) ___Greetings to you all. For those of you that don’t know me, my name is Rionna Declan and I’m a scholar of Old Gods folklore, cultural, and religious practices...
  2. SilentRuination

    Shelved Character Mihangel | The Wrath Of God

    Unknown Artist. "Mihangel, The Lightbringer" May 311 A.C. Oil on Canvas. Character Information Full Name: Mihangel Race / Culture: Swellych Narim Age: 131 Gender / Pronouns: Male Occult: Unionist God Magic Core Concept Mihangel is a proud warrior and defender of his people. He credits his...