
  1. SilentRuination

    Shelved Character Säemyel | The Elven Protector

    Character Information Full Name: Säemyel Äuafien Süillenno Bel-Naäseyin Lathai Race / Culture: Lanlath, Star of Guardianship Age: 128 Gender / Pronouns: Male, He/Him Occult: Fourth Tier Mage, Ordial + Lathan Occult Core Concept Säemyel is a proud warrior and protector of his people. He has...
  2. Khozya

    Preserved Sheet Ilkizassa- Green Snekey

    Basic Information Full Name: Ilkizassa Khanasslazzan Aurzieon, Commonly known as just Izassa ‘iz-ass-a’ or Zas Age: 33 Gender: Male - Can switch at will Race: Slizzar Sexuality: Pansexual Inventory Information Small pouch of regals( self explanatory) Has gold bangles and jewelry on person...
  3. NightLight12

    The Glaive - Claudio House Guards

    THE GLAIVE'S RESPONSIBILITY: The Claudio house guard has a set of Responsibilities that each guard or all of them need to full fill, These kinds of Responsibilities are : Patrolling/guarding Claudio family members in events and holdings of other nobles or their own. Accompanying Claudio...