give me regals

  1. Tiaq

    House Auction Metlalaan3, Fully Decorated, Give Me Your Regals

    Good evening fellow regal addicts, I've opted to sell my rent since I have no regals and I would like to splurge on god knows what. The rent is situated on the southwest side of the Altalar district, directly to the right of the Avalorn estate. I left the doors open in case anybody would like to...
  2. SnashuuPomaymay

    Art Auction [ Closed ] Art Slots For Regals!

    HEY DON'T CLOSE THE TAB THERE'S TWENTY SLOTS IN THIS AUCTION AND I'M AUCTIONING ART SLOTS IT'S TRADITIONAL ART KEEP READING PLEASE I BEG OF YOU I LOVE YOU owo So! I found that doing traditional art is EXCEPTIONALLY fun and easy! So here's the deal. I'll give you traditional art, you get ONE...