gay gay homosexual gay

  1. chalkxprince

    Played Character Vivorian "vio" Bestelir Bel-hyrun

    Character Information Full Name: Vivorian "Vio" Bestelir Bel-Hyrun Race / Culture: Teledden Age: 21 Gender / Pronouns: Male, He/Him Occult: Magewise Void Core Concept A teledden mage, traveling across the lands to learn all he can about magic as a whole. He is what would be defined in...
  2. _WillGraham_

    Preserved Sheet Llouie O Estranho

    °˖✧˖°- [ Playlist ] -°˖✧˖° Character Information Full Name: Llouyirelau Estra Mmeneilleiral Nicknames: Llouie, Estra Race: Maraya Age: 27 Gender: Transmasc (He\him) Eye Color: Nearly white light grey irises (#EDE3E9FF) and blue scleras (#8DB8C5FF) Core Concept A blunt...
  3. river_essence

    Preserved Sheet Carlisle Barrett; The Ruthless

    Name : Carlisle Barrett Race : Maquixtl Age : 29 Physical Age : 22 Gender : Male Eye Color : Green when not feeding, crimson while feeding. Carlisle is a rogue who has led a life of crime and violence. His sadistic tendencies combined with his training in combat only fuel what the...
  4. Deusphage

    Preserved Sheet Pepper (shelved For Time Being)

    you see nothing ❀ Basic Information ❧ Full Name: "Pepper" Solarent-Alaise Poivre Solarent-Alaise Fleur Coeur Constricteur de Portée du Paradis Age: 18 Gender: Male Race: Hyliel (Half Cielothar Half Ailor) Animal Familiar: Boa ❁ Inventory Information ❧ A small, green, reptile-looking...