
  1. KK134

    To Heal And To Help

    The Nonnatean Order has long devoted itself to the care and guidance of the children of the Spirit. To better aid, the children of the Spirit in their endeavors the Regalian chapter of the Nonnatean Order has decided to offer its services in the organization of a proper funeral and burial for...
  2. Vivo_Et_Vincam

    The Sparrow's Funeral

    The people came into the Cathedral, sitting down in the isles, waiting for the ceremony to start. There was silence, save only the lacrimose chant of the choir as Reverends Jürgen von Drachenburg and Aelfric Harhold led a procession with just themselves down the Cathedral aisle towards the...
  3. Posidem

    Black And Blue

    The constant pitter patter of raindrops as they assaulted the black feathered parasol of the newly made matriarch toned out the small sniffles of the bearer, her eyes as wet and free flowing as the clouds above. Her face was already streaked with muddled mascara and runny eyeliner that had ran...
  4. Icaruscien

    All For One | The Lesson Of Hope

    Artwork courtesy of @WaterDruppel “As long as I’m alive, she won’t be forgotten. You can’t run from that.” The Shendar’s own words bounced around his head as he walked through his habitat. The dark depths of the sewers were more than a home now. They were known to him like the back of his...