
  1. S

    Played Character Lockheart Durge

    Character Information Full Name: Lockheart Durge Nickname: Subject #312, Wanderer Heritage / Culture: Mystech - Ephemer Homunculi Age: 19 Gender / Pronouns: Female - She/Her Occult: Homunculi | Void | Evolism Core Concept A slave was created to act as a personal guard for a noble family of...
  2. Nirnro0t


    _________________ Fen’nan Solaveira stood frozen in the darkness of the Mercenary Keep cell, distant footfalls ringing in her ears as they faded down the corridor, leaving her with her promised words hanging in the air. Slowly she drew her gaze away off the dark, stone wall, blinking away the...
  3. Caduceus_Clayy

    The Dream Has To End

    Mother Lisa lay in bed next to her newborn twins, tired from the long night before, rain beating down on her windows heavily. She had just decided their names, Cora and Gabriel, when she heard the battles and uproar nearby, in the streets of the Azure Keep, grabbing up her children and wrapping...
  4. Redthorning

    Purchased Freedom

    Trigger Warning: This lore story contains sensitive subjects. "I want the Chien-ji with the short hair." Those were the words she was terribly afraid of hearing. Unfortunately, she would hear them at least once every few days. It was a different man each time, with differing intentions...
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  6. S

    Declaration Of An Abolishment Of Nobility

    When in the Course of history, it becomes necessary for a people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with one another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's the Divine entitle them, a decent...