
  1. fantuinn

    A Violet Declaration On The Carnival

    A porcelain mask was tied to Greygate's grand stage, hung on a noose of multicolored, theatrical clothing, near synonymous with the Carnival's leader, Solitaire. The Clowned King is captured. Solitaire's true name is Evarha Panoukla. There is no mystery to them. They were a Vampire, and are now...
  2. Caduceus_Clayy

    A Threat To Regalia - My Thoughts On The Black Regiment

    *A noble would be seen hammering away his notices wherever he could be allowed to, even within the Slums, rapidly slamming the letter down for all to see with haste and rage, quickly then after slipping off muttering and spitting with anger, a crumpled note in his hands* As a brief notice...