
  1. DrFong

    Preserved Sheet The Knave Of Rats

    Basic Information • Full Name: the Knave of Rats • Race: Sihai • Age: 18 • Gender: Male Core Concept • The Knave of Rats is an agent of chaos. He likes causing trouble and stirring up problems. He is not a critical thinker and often makes poor life choices. A...
  2. DrFong

    A Prelude To Abusement

    A Prelude to Abusement The deal was finally struck. The plot was over 40 acres of prime Regalian countryside. The land came with a mandate: build the greatest amusement park Aloria has ever known. The House of Fong, once again, lurched towards it’s ultimate goal. All of FongCo’s production...
  3. DrFong

    Dear (insert Noble's Name Here),

  4. DrFong

    Fongco© Pneumatic Militia & Other Imaginings

    I've been inspired lately and doing some adapted propaganda posters for the current Regalian conflict. I've been sort of scattering them around on the forums, but thought I should make a place to keep them all together. Above is a poster I put together for the "FongCo© Pneumatic Militia", a...