
  1. Crineas

    Rationality Must Prevail

    TO THE INHABITANTS OF CALEMBERG, BRISSIAUD, HAWTHE, OSTERWALD AND GREATER REGALIA In accordance with the meeting between Everhardt, Alaire, and d’Vaud with Rosendahl in absentee due to family issues on the 12th of June, 306 AC, does these Independent and Neutral lords of the Eastern Regalian...
  2. Crineas

    Commonwealth Agreement Of Eastern Regalia

    Commonwealth Agreement of Eastern Regalia To the denizens of Regalia, in times of plight and strife, peace may become victorious, and allow the Commonwealth Treaty to stand as a testament to the annals of time; we needn’t draw arms against men of the same faith, whilst risking our respective...
  3. jarebear24

    House Everhardt

    House Everhardt of Handoriënstadt Handoriënstadt, Österwald Basic Information House Seat: Handoriënstadt, Österwald Culture: Leutz-Vixe/Alt-Regalisch House Head: Roland K. Everhardt Allegiance: Imperial House Kade Religion: Unionism Overview House Everhardt is a relatively young...