eronidas are cool

  1. NoctisUmbra

    Sakili Games

    _______________________________________________________ House Abanweard presents └──────────────────── °∘❉∘° ───────────────────┘ Lord-Protector Erseric Abansige invites all those of good standing to the (TBD Location) for a grand competition of strength and skill. A contest steeped with...
  2. NoctisUmbra

    Played Character Eshurin Abansige

    Eshurin The Spiritbound Knight Full Name: Eshurin Heritage / Culture: Eronidas/Kissut Ashaven Age: 27 Gender / Pronouns: Gender Fluid (He/They) Faith: Draconism (Main Patrons: Daiana, Umbra), Syncretic with Nilthism Character Occupation: Knight of the Aelrrigan Order, Noble...
  3. NoctisUmbra

    Art Auction Skins Flash Auction

    So I have a lot of skins that I don't have a use for as none of my characters would wear them and I don't need any more characters for right now. Template: Discord Tag Desired Outfit Bid Previous Bidder Below are the outfits in spoilers. Their starting bids and buyouts will be in their...