
  1. BahDoctor

    High Noble Family: House Banastre - Reworked.

    House Banastre Family History House Banaestrion, a lower noble family from Northern Dragenthal, at 135AC formed a branch of their family, by the similar name of Banastre. It started with Francois Banastre, whom was bastard-born but legitimized for what little power it was worth, helping the...
  2. Ryria

    House D'eluise

    Art by @Samfari [Any questions about the lore? PM me ig or on the forums!] From the western coasts of Ithania, House d’Eluise bred itself within the high life of Citoye culture among the finest cities of the landmass. At its beginnings, the family were merely wealthy aristocrats, owning no...