
  1. Caduceus_Clayy

    A Message To The Drow

    A note would be pinned up in the Slums where it could be done, especially in the Emporium. Greetings, Are you a Drow or do you know a Drow in need of coin or a job? Do they wish to incorporate their skill with magical knowledge and battle into their work? Then come to the Emporium, or invite...
  2. Scribbe

    Preserved Sheet Ba'llua Con'taja

    Ba'llua Con'taja Basic Information Full Name: Ba’llua’ajo’te In’con’cie’on’al Con’taja la Co’ssolei’ci’on tel Bac’ie’olla Common Translation: “Stalwart bulwark against the corruption of the Void”. Nicknames: Ba’llua Con’taja, Ba’. Aliases: Ben. Age: 35. Born: 9th February, 271AC. Gender...
  3. Rassidic

    Preserved Sheet Zarisstra

    Basic Information (Required) “I don’t have much to say. Sorry.” Full Name: Zarisstra Age: 26 Gender: Female Race: Drowdar Sexuality: Straight Religion: Unionist Convert <- Drowda Faith of Estel Skill Information (Required) “Oh, I suppose I know a little? Don’t expect too much.” Total Points...
  4. Eternal_Wrath

    Preserved Sheet Durlyn Do'ana, The Demon Slayer

    "Beyond our ideas of right and wrong is a field. I will meet you there friend." Basic Information Full Name: Dujjlyn’saen Do’ajña’veonossie Alias: Durlyn Do'Ana Age: 36 Gender: Male Race: Drowdar Main Ambition: To cleanse the world of the Void’s presence Religion: Drowdar Faith of Estel...
  5. Messtro

    Preserved Sheet Kyrell Tyvosund

    Kyrell Tyvosund | Kyriilyth Tchavosund | “Tsk. I know what I’m doing, get /away/ from me.” Basic Information Full Name: Kyrell Tyvosund Alias: Kyriilyth Tchavosund Age: 29 Gender: Female Race: Halfer - Half Drowdar/Half Northerner Ailor Main Ambition: To gain all the knowledge she can...
  6. Eternal_Wrath

    ~ Order Of The Holy Blade ~

    ♫ The loud calls of battle horns are heard echoing throughout the streets of Regalia, beckoning all those that reside in them to find their way to the tavern. Standing upon the center table would be three men in heavy armor, accompanied by seven or eight light armored men standing around it...
  7. Icaruscien

    Preserved Sheet Lysanthir Iletharwen

    Basic Information (Required) Full Name: Lysanthir Cosajon'lloante Iletharwen. Age: Twenty nine cycles. Gender: Male. Race: Full blooded Drowdar. Main Ambition: Exploring the world's fine pleasures through social interaction of the different races. Special Permission: N/A. Basic Information...