
  1. FatDumplingGrace

    Drinking Competition

    The Servals Den Bakery and Bar Yalaune and company would like to announce a drinking competition for all walks of Regalia's life, poor or rich, can join in on the competition. There will be three rounds, with the lowest booze content running at 138% proof for the first round, 160% proof for the...
  2. TalkChat

    The Medskala Lodge

    =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= The waves crashed against the mossy stone wall, lightning flashed as you, yes you, gazed upon the shivering flyer that seemed to be on the last legs of its life as the storm spearhead Regalia. Narrowing...
  3. ZZaque

    The Falcon's Nest Tavern

    ♫ Kingdom of Bards ♪ The Falcon's Nest is the small but a ferocious tavern hidden in the Dark Lady Emporium, known for its low prices and high risk of a beating! All types of folk from around the slums come to the bar to relax, show off their strength to rivaling gangs or take advantage of the...
  4. TalkChat

    A Drink To Be Had.

    @Belgrade @ProfessorThaumic @Voidemite @MableSyrup @Caverly @AtticCat @Miss_Confined On the floor motionless. The stormy night never seemed to stop and neither did the drinking that afternoon. A light shined through the window onto the man's face he awoke with a groan that could wake up...