
  1. TheMoistestMan

    The House Of Diplomacy

    Established in 308 by one Maximillian Black, The House of Diplomacy is a guild based around the recruitment and proper usage of the bright Diplomats of the Holy City. Lending their talents and skills to any Noble family or Organizations with the coin. Every Member of The House of Diplomacy is...
  2. Tiaq

    The Words She'd Regret.

    Trigger Warning! This story contains heavy mentions of Gore & Torture! Please read at your own risk. I will find enjoyment in your misery after this <: (Quick mention, this is all an illusion and none of it's real. There is an IC character behind Taendross' illusion, however, I doubt anyone will...
  3. Tiaq

    Exposing Of The Traitor, Sivna Sinalah. - The Diplomats

    ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [A parchment of paper, written with black ink in a fancy-type cursive would be pinned and nailed down against boards all across Regalia, including those near Grey Gate along with the Nestled Nook. The...