
  1. Mortisian

    Preserved Sheet Deo Dei Termini

    Basic Information Name: Deo dei Termini Age: 55 Gender: Male Race: Returned Dressolini Ailor (Previously Url) Sexuality: Bisexual Main Ambition: To piece together the fractioned measures of his lives and reclaim himself and his tomorrow that he has searched for. ━━━━━━━━┛ ✠ ┗━━━━━━━━ Skill...
  2. Mortisian

    A Note From The Ministry Of War Affairs

    Deep within the halls of the Ministry of War Affairs, a missive was drafted between three scribes and one incredibly good looking Dressolini Lord. To those who find themselves skilled with their words, persuasive capability, and above all their tact and care for the tasks provided, we from the...