
  1. Tiaq

    Enough Is Enough, A Denouncement Of The Isldar Refuge By The Head Of The Shainvrel Family.

    ——————————————— [A letter was posted throughout Old town and New town, the new parchment would be placed on top of the Isldarin notes, nailed down against the multitude of letters, and beside it.] To those Isldar whom I spent decades of time with, perfecting my level and skill, whom I...
  2. Vivo_Et_Vincam

    The Dredger's Conflict

    Upon the day of February 23rd, 307 AC, House van der Veer has been called by many a House to join in the Colonial Conflict, stating that the other side is immoral, unjust, and wrong in their convictions. Of course, both sides to this argument have worth within their own right. House...