
  1. _TheTheocrat_

    Played Character Valentino Monterrosa / The Gray Knight

    "The essence of our people lies in the strength of the mundane" ────────────────═════════ ‹ •◦ ⚔︎ ◦• › ═════════──────────────── Character's information ─═"Not in the weakness of the occult"═─ Full Name: Valentino Alejandro Monterrosa de León Aliases: Valentino Monterrosa (Short), Saneph...
  2. Eronoc

    The Khariids - The Qússrakón Clan Of Regalia

    Our people have travelled far to be in these lands. Here, there is no Khagan, there is no Kiz-Khagan, and the clans of our homeland mean nothing. This, we declare: What divides us on the plains is dissolved when we cross the sea. Here, we are simply khariid - foreign - and in this we shall have...
  3. Mordew

    La Hermandad De Toros Y Rosas

    Pamphlets are stuck up around Old Town and Daenloc. All seem to be written in Daendroque, evidently not meant for those unfamiliar with the tongue. ---======================--- La Hermandad De Toros Y Rosas (The Brotherhood Of Bulls And Roses) This is a call to all daens, man or woman, half...
  4. Mordew

    Sembrar Semillas.

    Pamphlets are stuck up around Old Town and Daenloc. All seem to be written in Daendroque, evidently not meant for those unfamiliar with the tongue. Una Rosa Marchita. (A wilting rose) Brothers and sisters, children of daen. I come to Regalia and I see a broken people. I see the valiant, the...
  5. yuomr/jason

    House Sastra

    (Skill over Strength) House Colors: Green, Blue, and Gold House Culture: Daendroque House Religion: The Sastras put up the facade of being Unionist, but are truly Old Gods. House Values: The Sastras value skill and intellect above all else House Fashion: Upper-class Daendroqin styled...