
  1. Chiruda

    Preserved Sheet Asha Fenira De La Brete

    ASHA FENIRA DE LA BRETE Basic Information Full Name: Asha Fenira de la Brete (formerly Asha Fenira Nazari) Age: 116 years of age, infected at 17 Birthday: 3rd of August Turning day: 7th of September Gender: Female Race: Qadir - Jenne Songaskian mixbreed, infected with Vampirism Sexuality...
  2. Chiruda

    Preserved Sheet Asha Fenira Nazari

    ASHA FENIRA NAZARI Media Basic Information Full Name: Asha Fenira Nazari. She simply goes by Asha, although some nickname her ‘Ash’. Age: 26. Gender: Female. Race: Qadir, infected with the Ombratore bloodline. Main Ambition: Popularity and adoration. She wishes to maintain the adoration...