
  1. Crineas

    Rationality Must Prevail

    TO THE INHABITANTS OF CALEMBERG, BRISSIAUD, HAWTHE, OSTERWALD AND GREATER REGALIA In accordance with the meeting between Everhardt, Alaire, and d’Vaud with Rosendahl in absentee due to family issues on the 12th of June, 306 AC, does these Independent and Neutral lords of the Eastern Regalian...
  2. Crineas

    On The Contrary

    A public reply to Gaston Du Loic from the desk of Hamelin d’Vaud. Brought to the attention of denizens that concerned it. You likened me to a Songaskian? You say that I am unfit to rule? You say that I spit venomous words? What more outlandish lengths will you take beyond seven...