colony spirit

  1. Barium_V9

    Work in Progress A Nameless Footsoldier

    A WIP SHEET Information Designated as █████████ ████ But otherwise as "Footsoldier", simply. Heritage_ Colony Demon (Eidolon predominant) Age_ None, though acts in range of 22 Gender_ None, though uses They/Them or It/Its Occult Status_ Eidolon Colony Occupation_ Foreign Influence Response...
  2. Barium_V9

    Played Character █████, the Orchestrion

    "From break and ruin, the most beautiful performance begins." █████ and the Musicians of Bremen present: The Orchestrion Information Designation_ █████ Alongside ██████, ████████, ███, ██████. Otherwise known as "The Orchestrion" Heritage_ Altered Mystech, Naturebound Colony Previously a...