
  1. DolittleGuy

    The Faltering Faith Of A Viduggla

    Across the City there were notices, along with a few here and there in Crookback near most to the checkpoint with none further in, all having a very clear name placed at its topmost section for all to see. Yngvarr Viduggla. You have disregarded your faith. On this night, you have refused not...
  2. NoctisUmbra

    Proposition For The Smiths

    A letter would be posted around the city with the Gishkim Seal. For shame on both of you, wasting resources of paper over some squabble. I have proposition for Baron Godrun and Smith Enki. Instead of a battle of words. How about a battle of skill, metal against metal. Smith against Smith...
  3. Devoruku

    Devoruku's Build Thread - Wip Project

    Hello everyone, your friendly neighbourhood demon lord Devoruku here and today I'm here to start an large scale building project that I was challenged to do by CrescentDarkness. The building challenge is simple, every month I have to build landmarks and stuff from a fantasy map (shown below) and...
  4. Chiruda

    Inktober Challenge 2016

    Hello, everyone! It's the 1st of October; hence, it's time to begin the annual Inktober challenge. This yeah, myself and @Rhuyne have decided to participate so that we can hopefully pump out doodles at a more rapid pace in the future. We made up our own series of prompts since we both adore...