
  1. HydraLana

    The Great Journey Of 307 Ac - Part 3: Serpents Celebrating

    >><< >><< Even though it was practically the middle of the day, the Slizzar celebrated with great fires, drink, and dance for hours upon hours, well into the evening. The various members of the Ophid Union were spread out along these beaches, all worshiping and celebrating in their own unique...
  2. HydraLana

    The Great Journey Of 307 Ac - Part 2: Serpents Summoning

    >><< >><< Their boat was not the only one, but it was perhaps one of the largest. All around them along this sandbar-like island were Slizzar. Many had already shifted into non-Human forms, their colored showing itself and making up a discolored rainbow. On other nearby islands, other Slizzar...