
  1. Caelamus

    Shelved Character Gamma

    Basic Information Full Name: Gamma. Race: Livingmetal Automaton. Age: Barely a year. Gender/Pronoun: Male representing, he/him, or they/them. Occult: N/A, Gamma is a machine. Creator: Ra'rojiira. Core Concept Some years ago during an incident occurred while their creator, Ra’rojiira’ was...
  2. ezalB

    Shelved Character Tchay

    Unknown Baskarr Diviner. Tchay, the Thousandth Son. July 311 A.C. Painted limestone. Temple of the Eternal Sun, Gizkh. Basic Information ⇶Full Name | Tchay, son of Akhet and Ines ⇶Race | Asha ⇶Current Legacies | Legacy of Adoration, Legacy of Hate ⇶Age | 23 (Born Oct. 26, 288 A.C.)...