
  1. R

    I. Fall

    ==══━━━━━━━━━━━━══== ==══━━━━━━━━══== Thirteen years ago… ══━━━━══ Danny never quite realized how much he hated the ceiling until it was spinning above him. He didn’t even see the punch that had sent him reeling to the oaken floor, but he sure as hell could still feel it. Two marks from...
  2. xX_OliverOnly_Xx

    ❈ The Regalian Brawlers ❈

    Introduction The Regalian Brawlers' Organization is back, and better than ever! Renamed The Regalian Brawlers, the purpose of this group is to provide entertainment to the public, both brawler and spectator. With the lack of entertainment in these trying times, we endeavor to bring those able...
  3. TheyCalledMeKiko

    The Trauma Of Talent

    Three hours had passed since Abe heard the news, of what they had done at the gate; the punching bag hadn’t seen so much action since his first night in the city. Nerves were not the source of Abe’s frustration this time. Three sharp alternating jabs cracked against the middle of the object, his...
  4. Llatzerus

    Emporium Boxing League

    Emporium Boxing League Fierce Slum Dwellers Club, Competitive Fighting & Combat Training Introduction The Emporium Boxing League, established in April of 306 AC, Regalia, serves as the official slum boxing guild of the Holy City Slums. Raising young aspiring boxers through training with the...