
  1. Nirnro0t

    Hide That Heart

    A thin pale hand reached through the cell, outstretching, reaching, fingers clutching a small tail, the little creature shrieked and flailed before it was dropped into its iron prison, a beat of pause before a dark, predatory beak snapped upon the mouse. It’s tiny shrieks falling on deaf ears...
  2. Dudonka2

    Alone, Or Not?

    Juane wakes up, her hair twisted and kept in a bun. Small beams of sunlight shine through her curtains. With an annoyed sigh, the Songaskia removes her sheets and moves towards the side of the bed where she would sit for a good five minutes. "Damn," she curses in Sofaal. This year, she dislikes...
  3. Dudonka2


    Inside her home, in a room surrounded by darkness yet lightened by candles, dressed in red, sat a female. Her hair was on fire, but it was not hot, out of her forehead came two black horns, her eyes were closed. Cross-legged, Juane sat in the middle. Her hands were on her knees. The room...
  4. RubyDiam

    Ruby's Little Art Bubble

    Well, It seems to be the new, hip thing to make an art thread if you can Semi-draw, so, I'm making one, right here, right now, Poof, it's coming into existence. Welcome to Ruby Raptor's Art Thread!~ So, I'm just, going to post some of my sketches here, I guess, because it seems like a...