bone horrors

  1. PresentMediator

    Lady In Waiting, Helena Guillote: The Bone Horror Accounts Vol I - Vol V

    The following lore story is a diary account from Helena Guillote of Gamsby, a small colony along the coasts of Fendarfelle. The time is shortly after the meteors rained down on Aloria during the start of the Bone Horror Crisis. The journal account is as follows. | Lady in Waiting Vol I | ♬...
  2. R

    The Deception Of Peace

    “Life, although it may only be an accumulation of anguish, is dear to me, and I will defend it.” ― Mary Shelley, Frankenstein "Blackmore, hold the bloody doors!" shouted the captain, the situation growing grim by the second. "Captain, Alexandria is dead! Northgate is on his way out!"...
  3. R

    Looking For Roleplayers

    Hola, amigos! I am looking to assemble a team! I am currently looking for a number of people who are good at or enjoy Combat Roleplay and developing plot's for an event I am planning, they don't need to use their initial characters as their roles will be assigned after a brief check of their...