
  1. xJomax

    An Open Letter To The Bastion Guild And Their Captain

    OOC: @Valentinian @Lore This post has gotten out of hand, and mistakes were made in editing and such so it's all gotten dead silly.
  2. xJomax


    After a good response to my open letter, I was contacted by Wulfric of House Birkwood. He told me his intentions to create 'The Peacekeeping Guild of Regalia'. A political party which opposes violence and tries for a more democratic Regalia. Though Kirkwood remains Jingoist, the Peacekeepers...
  3. Arganam

    The Bronze Antler Mercenary Organization

    -=(BRONZE ANTLER MERCINARY ORGANIZATION)=- Pinned to notice boards throughout Regalia would be the following notice: To all Sellswords in Regalia, I invite you to Join the Bronze Antler Mercinary organization. You will receive free weapons and armor. We aim to provide private protection for...