
  1. SilentRuination

    Shelved Character Naalir

    Character Information Full Name: Naalir Race: Bene Rexit Isldar Affliction: Geist - ACTIVE Age: 22 Gender: Male Eye Color: Green Core Concept Naalir is a rather well-mannered and ambitious individual, even though his nature as a Geist often brings episodes of violence. He tends to stray on...
  2. Karthadon

    Preserved Sheet Skretch, The Wretched Scavenger

    Character Information Full Name: Skretch Kragsnout Race: Rat Asha Age: 43 Before the making of Rattatouille Gender: Rat Eye Color: Garbage Green Core Concept - Unity Under Death Skretch is a sewer-born rat asha, and a geist. He wields ordial magics and seeks to command the armies of the...
  3. Jack_Castle

    Need Work? Sign Up For A Beast Hunt!

    A Monstrous and Horrific beast has been lurking just beyond our slum's walls! It can not be slain alone, so I call upon people to join my band of hunters and help route this horror out. I am offering worthy pay to any willing to stalk through narrow ramshackle roads and track down this creature...