
  1. Izolda

    Preserved Sheet Reimund Von Rahm

    Portrait of Reimund Credit to @Miss_Confined Basic Information Full Name: Reimund Päll Von Rahm Nicknames: Rei to loved ones, mostly his sister. Age: 23 Gender: Male Race: Leutz-Vixe Ailor Sexuality: Heterosexual Skill Information 23 Proficiency Points to spend from age. +10 Medical...
  2. SnugglyKittens

    Preserved Sheet Elsa Sundenn

    Basic Information ֎ Full Name: Elsa Sundenn ֎ Age: Thirty-Two ֎ Gender: Female ֎ Race: Ailor →Velheim Culture ֎ Sexuality: Heterosexual Skill Information ֎ Points: 32 (-10 to Battlemed, 22 to Allocate) → +10 Mace (10 from Battlemed), → +15 Surgery (10 from Battlemed, 5 from Points), → +10 Small...