
  1. Nathan

    Government Guild Internal Commission: The Forum

    The Forum Role of the Forum The Forum exists as a means for Regalia's populace to engage in public dialogue and make heard their ideas in civil petitions to the Crown. The Forum will meet at the Festival Grounds when called by Internal Commissioner Norinn. All other Internal Commissioners...
  2. Hemingway7

    The Tyrian Lillasus

    “... The matter is made evident. In light of the ‘nay’ votes, either there is insufficient trust in the Crown, or too much greed. We trust that the nobles can contend with their own conscience, and let whatever divine power they believe to resolve their inclinations.” —His Holiness, Emperor...
  3. Farly108

    The Mac Conall Chancellory Gala

    Basic Information: Chancellory Candidate Alastair mac Conall invites his voters and those interested in his campaign to a night of dancing, conversation, drinking, eating, politicking and rousing speeches. To be held in Typhonburg on the evening of Wednesday the Tenth. All members of the...