aspiring nobility

  1. Sorc3r3ss

    Played Character Diana Von Kalterwald |

    Character Information Full Name: Diana Von Kalterwald Heritage / Culture: Heritage: Ailor Culture: Wirtem Age: 20 Birthday: Birthday: 1 July Year born: 295 Gender / Pronouns: Female, She/Her Orientation: Straight Partner: To Be Determined Religion: Unionsim Occult: Affinity: None...
  2. Ryria

    House Du Clermont

    The House du Clermont banner, a simple design upon a striped background of the family's chosen colors. House du Clermont, in the earlier stages of their formation, was rather reserved and preferred to keep out of the public eye. They diligently provided works of art to the Leutz and...
  3. taintedly

    House Grimaldi (being Rewritten)

    ~House Grimaldi~ rewriting this later Culture: Dressolini, with small Ithanian influences. House Colours: Black, red, and blue. House Sigil: A flying owl, symbolizing knowledge. Religion: Unionism Business: Alchemy and hair products. Political Party: Lemtos Lethargic Centrist. Magic Types...
  4. Chrome_Eevee

    House Fidelis

    ~Fidelis Family~ ~Librans fide et virtute~ ~Brief Family History~ The Fidelis family started off as a small mining family, owning a quartz mine in Ithania. Originally, they sold the raw ore to local markets, earning little from it. As their knowledge of quartz grew, they started to...