
  1. WaterDruppel

    Art Auction Headshot/waist-up Shaded Character Art

    I'm saving up for a new PC and I just so happened to be off from uni for a bit, so it is time for an auction! I'll be auctioning 1 slot only, for a fully custom OC drawing. If the auction ends at/below 40 USD, I'll draw a fully shaded bust/headshot. If the auction goes beyond 40 USD, I'll draw...
  2. WaterDruppel

    Art Auction Flat-coloured Headshot Sketch Raffle

    Hey there! I finally have a little bit of extra free time to do some drawing, so I'll be auctioning off a flat-coloured headshot sketch. It's more a kind of raffle than a real auction. I'll be drawing names from the sign-up pool, whose commission I'll accept and try to get done within the week...
  3. WaterDruppel

    Art Auction Waist-up Shaded Drawing

    Hey there, to keep it short, I'll be auctioning off a digital, fully coloured portrait drawing this time around! Examples can be found below. Art auction info: Starting bid: 10 USD Minimum increase: 1 USD Maximum increase: 4 USD Payment only through PayPal invoice. I reserve the right to...
  4. WaterDruppel

    Art Auction Art And Skin Auction! $

    Hi there I survived the hell that is exams and projects so hehe it's time to do art again. I'll be auctioning off two slots, 1 for a digital, fully coloured portrait drawing and 1 for a full skin. Both will be in USD! Art info: (slot 1) Starting bid: 10 USD Minimum increase: 1 USD Maximum...
  5. SnashuuPomaymay

    Art Auction [sold Out] 5 Traditional Art Slots!

    HEY CHIEF. SUP. Okay, so we’re gonna be doing an auction, this time an art auction. It’ll ONLY BE TRADITIONAL ART, and it will ONLY BE FOR USD PAYMENTS. I’m a thot for money and people are thots for art, and also I want my computer back already >:c RULES I won’t draw characters with...