
  1. RaggedyGrace

    Manager Of The Arena | An Introduction

    ~Theme Music~ From the Desk of the Manager of the Arena Baroq Emilienne di Civita It has been too long of a wait that the pits of the arena remain bare, and with no spectators in the stands to witness the shows of battle. However, this drought period quickly ends with the ushering in of a...
  2. Stellarrix

    Crafts Guild The Gryphon's Rest

    Established on the 14th of February 310AC, the Gryphon's Rest serves as a small bar and tavern run by the Solvaan Mercenary Company the Gryphon's Claw. Within its walls, one may find a homely and fine establishment presented by Soldiers & Mercenaries toward the Mercenaries and Warriors that...
  3. WildSages

    The Sacred Winds Clinic

    ______________________________ ~The Sacred Winds Clinic~ ArenaWall 4 Discord ______________________________ ◙Introduction The Sacred Winds is a medically operating clinic stationed in Arena Court. It was established in 310 AC with the sponsorship of members in the Delmotte and Peirgarten...
  4. R

    Archived Excessively Tricky Pve Arena (paid For Entry)

    Alright, so. This is a pretty easy to comprehend the idea, it's an arena that has you fight against Environment mobs which progressively get trickier as you further into the round. It will have a reward system and a scoreboard system, promoting people to try and get higher to compete against...