
  1. Sujitation

    Fond Memories

    ✿ February 8th, or maybe.. It was beginning to be the 9th. The large, bulbous form of Sibyllad entered the empty, Polon styled home. Glancing over the base floor as she trudged towards the large couch to slump upon. She had stayed at Greygate, shuffling through files and paperwork for hours...
  2. Nirnro0t

    We Have All The Time...

    (Another sad lore story you say? YES) "You're a widow." The echoing statement repeated like a loop in her head as she stumbled in the dark into the large, silent, imperial home, slamming the door shut behind her. She felt like she was walking on air, light and floaty, as if she could do...
  3. Nirnro0t


    _________________ Fen’nan Solaveira stood frozen in the darkness of the Mercenary Keep cell, distant footfalls ringing in her ears as they faded down the corridor, leaving her with her promised words hanging in the air. Slowly she drew her gaze away off the dark, stone wall, blinking away the...
  4. RoseRP

    Night Terrors

    Themesong: Falling inside the black - Skillet My biggest fear... Warning label: Violence, Death, and Angst below. You were warned! “Mother Death - may you never come to the day when you take my beloved away.” It was midnight and Rosana placed her head down on the cot. Letting herself...
  5. MippyMoo

    An Engagement Of Conflictions

    After Mimir had turned into the monster he saw himself as, he was disgusted. The day after he turned, he had run out of the house into the night's snow, fleeing the confusion and conflict that both he himself and his family held for the situation. As if subconsciously doing it, he reached the...
  6. fantuinn

    Preserved Sheet Aksel Haagenvig

    “The next time I make you cry, they’ll be tears of joy!” {Theme} “One is all, and all is one.” Full Name: Aksel Johansen Haagenvig. Age: 21 years old. Born 285 A.C., on the first of march. Birthplace: Gästrelänvatnan, Drixagh. Gender: Male. Race: Velheim Ailor. Religion: Oldt...
  7. Icaruscien

    Preserved Sheet Leon Deceres

    ║Basic Information | [ Required ] ║ Full Name: Leon Reiner Valentijn Deceres. Full Elven Name: Llae'seona Eiinsa Fuaga'cae sel Inferiiaeno serae tua ar'lloa; Baen'talloe siae'alie ces'lazrae Siae'tiubae'lloa. Condensed: Llae'seona Inferiiaeno Baen'talloe Siae'tiubae'lloa. Age: Twenty five...
  8. Icaruscien

    Preserved Sheet Shiori Draylas

    ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┛ ✠ ┗━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━┓ ✠ ┏━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ ╭                           ╮ 詩 織 ƤƖƝƬЄƦЄƧƬ [ ✗ ] | ƛƦƬ ƛԼƁƲM [ ✗ ] ╰                          ╯ |━━━━━━━━━━━━▲━━━━━━━━━━━━| ❝ See, that's why I'm me, and you're you. You drop to your knees before...
  9. taintedly


    (This is a continuation of Broken.) Cynsosiel kept reminding herself- this was /his/ fault. In reality, she was the one that had suggested a divorce, out of self-preservation and disgust at her husband's choice to join the guards. But she couldn't handle that, so she told herself otherwise...
  10. taintedly


    Cynsosiel Elael sat in the sewer tavern, drinking cheap ale. She looked even worse than normal- bags under her eyes, constantly tired. The vilitatei was reliant upon one of her former students working an extra job in exchange for her blood, just so she and her daughter would have enough money to...
  11. taintedly

    Drowning In Doubts

    Another day. Another moment. Ruins, ashes. The Dark Queen was dead. Freya's rule over Regalia had been terminated; her deathlings eliminated. Marisa knew she should have celebrated with the other rebels. She was happy, after all. But with that happiness came doubt. Doubt about her own...