
  1. FolkFume

    A Visit To The Matron

    Parchment and Flyer alike would be posted through the city where it wasn't a hinderance Written along their lines went the following; Commoners, Citizens, Nobles, and whomever may read this. Within the coming days I am planning a trip out to Anglia in search of the Matron known as Cordenia...
  2. Carlit0o

    So It Has Come To This

    "Say your goodbyes, For we may never return..." ♪♫♬ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ With state funding approved and the backing of private donors supplies are carted away to the edge of no return. The final warning is stated to all...
  3. Jonificus

    A Declaration Of War

    "The Mauled Man", The banner of House Harhold, depicting their hounds attacking an enemy of the empire and unionism. THE HOUSE HARHOLD Has long abided the presence of heathens in our grand and most holy Empire so there might be peace in our realms during this terrible age of violence. In...