
  1. Magivore

    The Solifuge Society - Coven

    Education, Liberation, Domination, Perfection. | The Coven | Crawling from the depths of the world come the Solifugae- they who flee from the sun. With the world falling into increasing darkness, either by geography or by weakening morale, a skeletal scholar under the name of Xilthruum has...
  2. Scribbe

    Altalar House Of Rhylovhas

    Altalar House of Rhylovhas Speak Only Truth General Information Etymology: The name “Rhylovhas” is a shortened form of the Middle Altalar surname “Rhyluetherelväyas”, which roughly translates to “tender of the moon’s grove”. Values: Teledden Altalar superiority, magical strength, accruement...
  3. Caduceus_Clayy

    House Gahl'keli'math

    The Gahl'keli'math ________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ Basic Information: Name: Gahl'keli'math (Commonly shortened to Gahl). Pronounced Gall-kelly-math. Race: Maritime Altalar Symbol: A hammer and anvil Colors...