altalar master race

  1. Scribbe

    The Altalaan Conclave

    An Introduction Created in the year 307AC, the Altalaan Conclave was initially brought together to combat the spread of Nightsilver to non-Altalar, but quickly grew beyond this to embody Altalar pride and their progression in the Holy City of Regalia. Relatively new as it is, the Conclave has...
  2. Markisbeest

    The Estelluanar Family

    Crest Incoming Soon! House Words: Imperial Elven: “Lôja’táö cá’läeô’êtöó ëjô’níë câcöë’ÿô núnöü’cäê’sásï hãasûótäo’èléè ôfíö-nâlöé cëléô’ÿétî’ësséà löé’ÿ’sásáë älléà láè’ëônê-õlôä ê vâë’cÿí’ónnóòèã häê-cïëãê’âlä éxíë’tîënâè’sïë ónêä’îtâõ õjìu nêä’cîlëâ cî-ëä’lõüáè” Modern Elven...