allorn empire

  1. Scribbe

    Being An History Of The Allorn Empire; The Javarindar War (part 1)

    Being an History of the Allorn Empire; the Javarindar War. Pt. 1 of 5 [An illustration purported to be one of Empress Talea Sunvidal's many vacation palaces.] Augur Niddafel once declared that there was no people so blessed as the Est'alorn, to be granted the favour not only of the...
  2. PuffyPigeon

    An Introduction To Home

    -=- =-= As promised, the visit to the Maritime region of Daen was arranged for and luggage packed. Partially as a novelty, partially for the practicality, Elyon and Cyrillian Aredeth prepare to embark upon an airship for the trip. Elyon spent most of her time staring out below the deck on to...
  3. Scribbe

    Altalar House Of Rhylovhas

    Altalar House of Rhylovhas Speak Only Truth General Information Etymology: The name “Rhylovhas” is a shortened form of the Middle Altalar surname “Rhyluetherelväyas”, which roughly translates to “tender of the moon’s grove”. Values: Teledden Altalar superiority, magical strength, accruement...
  4. Scribbe

    Preserved Sheet Aeralaanys Rhylovhas

    Aeralaanys Rhylovhas Asher "Fate is a cruel poet." Basic Information Full Names: Middle Altalar: Aeralaanis Thaimaias Tyus Anthar Eytherelrvis Rhyluevayas Modern Altalar: Aeralaanys Tyus Rhylovhas Plains Elven: Aeyalanyssa Tyeuse Lovhas Nicknames & Aliases: Asher, Aera, Laanys. Age...