aemolius krupp

  1. Caduceus_Clayy

    Twice Dead

    The rain pattered on the moors and forests just beyond the Emperor's holy keep, the light rumble of thunder echoing across the heavens. Cold. Unyielding. It had been a week since the death of Aemolius. He had been drowned by his brother. He was a corpse now, that Returned Revenant. His luck had...
  2. Caduceus_Clayy

    The Silence - The Revenants Revelry

    The Silence - The Revenants Revelry The Jist Who are we? - We are all manors of corrupt individuals, from thugs, thieves, and murderers from the dark and dingy sewers, to corrupt merchants, officials, and nobles sitting in the lovely sun of the surface. At the head sits The Returned Revenant...