
  1. T

    Preserved Sheet Ultfra Killmonger thoughts on this anyway you can think of improving?
  2. Ocularum

    The Diviner's Corner | Issue #2

    ASK THE DIVINER by Myriddin the Diviner “DEAR MYRIDDEN, I have recently found out that someone I thought I could give a chance, was responsible for hurting one of my friends and myself. But everything already happened, and now I can’t look at either of them. Fortunately, I am offered the option...
  3. enderdragon

    Writing Advice!

    Hello, MassiveCrafters! MassiveCraft as a whole has so many types of talented players. Some players are extraordinarily skilled at building, while others have the ability to create unique and honestly pretty amazing pieces of art. This thread will not be about those people, sorry! There are so...