Zzaariz~ The Purple Salamander

Discussion in 'Character Sheets' started by HuskyLeader, Feb 15, 2021.

  1. HuskyLeader

    HuskyLeader D-Dwagon Warden..?

    Sep 28, 2018
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    • Full name:
      • Allar Name: Zzaariz Izu-Vyzal
      • Sihndar Name: Naevys’methilidos Torramakraan
        • Nickname: Naevys
    • Age:
      • 37 years old
        • Born: May 29, 272 A.C.
        • Infected with Northern Taint: May 15, 283 A.C.
    • Gender: Wouldn’t you like to know
    • Race: Allar~ Subrace of Izu
      • Race Change: Sihndar
    • Preferred Weapon: Hand to hand, Khoptar, and Knowledge




    • Proficiency (50 points total, 50 points spent)
      • +8 Sword Combat (+8 from Point Pool) ~ Zzaariz is an apprentice with blades of their choice.
        • The Sihndar who trained Zzaariz did well to hone their skills when they had the chance
      • +7 Fist Combat (+7 from Point Pool) ~ Zzaariz is a novice in the ways of the Eastern unarmed fighting style.
        • I have learned as much as I could from the Sihai people in the time I was there
      • +15 Sorcery (+15 from Point Pool) ~ Zzaariz has learned a lot of things from the magic trade of life, taking on darkness and arcane.
        • Have the ability to use and learn sorcery, might as well take advantage
      • +9 Linguistic Sciences (+9 from Point Pool) ~ Zzaariz has learned another few languages from their travels.
        • Must be able to speak the language of the people I associate with
      • +3 Arcanology (+3 from Point Pool) ~ Zzaariz’s pursuit of knowledge has led them to learn quite a few things of a magical nature.
        • I want to learn and know more, so I learned more
      • +3 Stealth Rogue (+3 from Point Pool) ~ Zzaariz has made use of their smaller frame to sneak around.
        • Make use of what I have and how I look
      • +5 Bodycare Training (+5 from Point Pool) ~ Zzaariz learned some techniques from the Sihai people and is pretty good at said techniques.
        • My hands can hurt, help, and make others feel good
      • +5 Dancing Art (+5 from Hobby Bonus) ~ Zzaariz took time in Dexai to learn some of its traditional dances as well as any on their travels.
        • I must make use of my free time somehow and dancing was a good hobby
      • +5 Circus Art (+5 from Hobby Bonus) ~ Zzaariz also took time in Dexai to learn how they perform and use flexibility to their advantage.
        • Flexibility helps in my performances and also dancing
    • Abilities
      • Izu-Allar Abilities (Inactive)
        • Izu-Allar Appearance - Zzaariz is on the slimmer and shorter side due to their subrace with an amphibian body and salamander-like head.
        • Exclusive Body Trait - Zzaariz cannot be taken by surprise due to their larger field of view.
        • Physical Adaptation - Zzaariz limbs will regrow as long as their head is attached to their body still, taking five days to regrow, always.
        • Izu Awareness - Zzaariz can never be taken by surprise from behind or anywhere not in line-of-sight, additionally, any stealthy repositioning can be seen through.
        • Izu Spirituality - Zzaariz is capable of learning sorcery, can see the soul rivers, and gains two free pacts of arcanology.
      • Sihndar Abilities
        • Residues of Cataclysm - Zzaariz randomly manifests mutations from the Void and/or Exist categories on their body.
        • Embrace of the Spider Queen - Zzaariz is immune to Vampire, Werebeast, and the Greater version of each’s spells. As well as being immune to Target Curses.
        • Dryder Form - Zzaariz can shift their form so that their lower half is that of a spider for several hours. Within this form, they are immune to knock-down, knock-back, or pulling ability and/or spell. Also, they can climb up walls.
        • Lording of Ganth - Zzaariz can read the abilities of any vampire, Uyptr, werebeast, or Allats abilities by touching their forehead whilst they are restrained.
      • Arcanology
        • Artifact Knowledge - Zzaariz is well versed in the artifacts of Aloria and can point out any artifact at a glance.
      • Bodycare Abilities
        • Skin Purge - Zzaariz can make a cream/gel that hides blemishes, scars, mutations, and more if they wish. Only upon their own skin.
      • Roguery
        • Rogues Gift 4 - Zzaariz's steps are unheard by the untrained ear, all weapons on their person are silent whilst in stealth and they can open doors and other things silently.
      • Sorcery Spells (Exist Sorcerer)
        • Aesthetic Sorcery
          • Magic Sight I - Zzaariz's eyes can start to glow solid teal, allowing the Allar to see in the dark now from both magical and natural darkness.
          • Arcane Mastery I - Zzaariz can enchant a mundane item to start doing a task, like a broom to start sweeping or a pen to start writing. Even going as far as being able to open a door with a simple gesture.
        • Enchantment Sorcery
          • Element Brand II - Zzaariz is able to cast an enchantment on their one weapon and produce gusts of wind to bellow from its hilt, protecting themself from most mundane ranged combat.
        • Support Sorcery
          • Light Mend II - Zzaariz can place their hands upon an injured person and over time, depending on how bad the wound is, can heal it until it is gone.
          • Casting Light I - Zzaariz can point at a Vampire, Void Mage, Void Sorcerer, or Crimson Witches, with their palm. Such causes a beautiful display of light and music to be produced, however to the target it is a blinding light that stops them from moving quickly to Zzaariz or see them, meaning they can't cast a line of sight spell at the Allar.
    • Body Build
      • Muscularity: Athletic Body Build
        • (+8x1) Sword Combat + (+7x1) Fist Combat + (+5x1/2) Bodycare Training + (+5x1/2) Dancing Art + (+5x1/2) Circus Art = 22.5 Capped at 30
      • Fat Mass: Low Body Fat
    • Languages
      • Common (Mother + Father)
      • Zasta (Mother + Father)
      • Sihndar Dialect (Linguistics)
      • Modern Altalar (Linguistics)
      • Wa’an (Linguistics)




    • Eye Color:
      • Yellow
    • Hair Color:
      • N/A
    • Hair Style:
      • N/A
    • Clothing:
      • Not much in warmer months
    • Scale Color:
      • Blue and Teal (Now Purple)
    • Height:
      • 5’0”~ around 152cm
    • Mutations:
      • Void Horns- Zzaariz has horns growing out of their head.
      • Exist Tears- Zzaariz’s tears are pure white and shiny.
      • Exist Bite- Zzaariz’s teeth and nails are white and perfectly aligned.
      • Exist Carry- Zzaariz smells slightly of peppermint.



    • The Core List
      • Character Alignment
        • Lawful Neutral- Zzaariz character typically believes strongly in lawful concepts such as honor, order, rules, and tradition, but often follows a personal code in addition to, or even in preference to, one set down by a benevolent authority.
      • Personality Type
        • Scholar
      • Religion
        • Dragon Worshipper 7/10
          • Yavazz the Yellow Harlequin
          • Slzz the Silver Librarian
        • Estel Worshipper 3/10
          • Spider Queen




    272 A.C. - 282 A.C. Birth and Learning
    • Zzaariz was born to an Als-Allar and Maz-Allar, within Mok-Throk, the belly of the beast of Hadar, land of war between the void and those who wish to take Allar as slaves and more. They were the runt of the litter to six other siblings, all Maz, Cro, Als, and even Mai. They were the only Izu but as typical fashion quickly moved on to learn more and want more knowledge, mastering the common tongue and Zasta with ease along with learning a few things about the artifacts of Aloria which would just be strengthened in their later years. The only formal training they received was a bit of unarmed from their Maz-Allar parent, teaching a bit of the use of a tail. Then Zzaariz was sent off to Drowda by their parents and the Digmaan of the area to learn to combat the Kathar and Altalar that plague Mok-Throk.
    282 A.C. - 302 A.C. Drowda and Training
    • They were sent off to Drowda and quickly set to work by their pseudo parents of the Sihndar culture, though not normal work as fighting, they were sent to learn. Learn about magic wards and even further learn about the artifacts, as well as the dialect of the Sihndar culture. Upon hitting fifteen, however, Zzaariz was sent to work in the schools, taking the school of Ganth, knowledge, and at the end of it all, they were given their Khoptar which was named, ‘Opener’ due to Zzaariz using it to leverage a rock open on the playing field and hide before striking out at a Dire Wolf. They were given the name of Naevys’methilidos Torramakraan and took the ritual to become a Sihndar after they were given their Khoptar.
    302 A.C. - 309 A.C. Dexai, Hadar, and Regalia
    • Zzaariz soon left off, taking a stopover at Dexai to help with their problem of the Dark Dynasty, taking help where they could but this also led to learning a few more skills. Like the Dexai fighting style of hand to hand combat which they quickly made use of and studied diligently. Zzaariz also made use of their time, learning from a Sihain woman how to dance and use their flexibility to their advantage in performances. A hobby the Izu loved and wishes to continue. They were then called back from Dexai to Mok-Throk to defend its people before a time before their Digmaan sent them off toward Regalia to help with the plight of void and exist on that front.
    • Winner Winner x 1
    #1 HuskyLeader, Feb 15, 2021
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2021
  2. KrakenLord01

    KrakenLord01 That Guy

    Nov 15, 2014
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    I will be taking this app for review!
    • Thank You! Thank You! x 1
  3. KrakenLord01

    KrakenLord01 That Guy

    Nov 15, 2014
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    • While the Northern Taint does grant Sihndar racial abilities, it does not grant Sihndar racial prof boosts, meaning you will have to use the Izu-Allar racial boosts for Proficiencies, adjust Profs and Physical Stat accordingly.
    Make changes in Green and tag me when finished.
  4. HuskyLeader

    HuskyLeader D-Dwagon Warden..?

    Sep 28, 2018
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    @KrakenLord01 Made the changes also thanks for letting me know, didn't know that about racial bonuses.
    (Edit: Also fixed the name!)
    #4 HuskyLeader, Feb 15, 2021
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2021
  5. KrakenLord01

    KrakenLord01 That Guy

    Nov 15, 2014
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  6. HuskyLeader

    HuskyLeader D-Dwagon Warden..?

    Sep 28, 2018
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    @KrakenLord01 Made the changes to my app for sorcery, giving Zzaariz max spells and also lowering their combat and arcanology prof to make it possible.
    (Edit: Also made them smaller to 5')
  7. HuskyLeader

    HuskyLeader D-Dwagon Warden..?

    Sep 28, 2018
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  8. KrakenLord01

    KrakenLord01 That Guy

    Nov 15, 2014
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  9. HuskyLeader

    HuskyLeader D-Dwagon Warden..?

    Sep 28, 2018
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  10. KrakenLord01

    KrakenLord01 That Guy

    Nov 15, 2014
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