Preserved Sheet Ariawyn Daevaar

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Flower Goblin
May 22, 2016
Reaction score

☼ Ariawynn Daevaar ☼
☼ The Sunshine | The Healer ☼
Theme | Art | Pinterest


"Turn your face to the sun and the shadows fall behind you."
- Charlotte Whitton

☼ Basic Information ☼
Full Name: Ariawyn Daevaar nee Daelynn
Nickname: April, Prilly, Cottonball, Lily, Sunshine
Imperialized Name: Aprilly Elise Daevaar nee Demarais
Qadir Name: Aliya Dajani
Age: 84
☼ Birthdate: December 13th
☼ Star Sign: Sagittarius
Gender: Female
Race: Magus - Nelfin - Altalar - Sundial
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Preferred Weapon: Quarterstaff


"We all have bad days, but one thing is true; no cloud is so dark that the sun can't shine through."
- Miranda Kerr
☼ Skill Information ☼
☼ Total Points: 70
☼ Racial Boosts

☼ +10 Historical Knowledge
☼ Science and Knowledge Points
☼ + 30 Medical Sciences
☼ +10 Linguistics Knowledge
☼ + 10 Magical Knowledge

☼ Sanguinology Info
☼ Racialism Info
☼ Combat Points
☼ +20 Staves Combat Skill
☼ +10 Athletics Training

☼ Body Shape
Total Combat Points + (Total Athletic Points x 2) = Physical Stat
☼ 40
Body Shape
☼ Athletic
☼ Body Fat
☼ Moderate Body Fat

☼ Languages
☼ Modern Altalar - Mother Language
☼ Faraddi - Stepfather Language
☼ Sihndar Elven - Linguistics
☼ Common - Learned via Travels
☼ Ring of Power: Active
☼ Outer Court Ammu-loa, Compatriot of the Dead
☼ The Ring of Power of Ammu-loa allows the wielder to change self into Mortis Daël and back to normal again at will. When becoming undead, the Character gains Mortis Daël abilities.


"Give me the splendid, silent sun with all his beams full-dazzling."
- Walt Whitman
☼ Visual Information ☼
☼ Eye Color: Light Blue
☼ Hair Color: Dyed white or dirty blonde but naturally a dark brown almost black color
☼ Hair Style: Long and kept back in a braid
☼ Skin Color: Dark, Qadir dark
☼ Clothing: Easy moving clothing, usually blue in color
☼ Height: 6'0


"After the rain, the sun will reappear. There is life. After the pain, the joy will still be here".
- Walt Disney
☼ Personality and Abilities ☼
☼ How would your character respond to experiencing Fear?
☼ Naturally, she has a fight or flight moment depending on what precisely her fear is based on at the time. However, she tends to have a rather panicked reaction when it comes down to one of her major fears. She reacts quickly without thought, usually flailing away or falling before stiffening up after getting her initial panic over. With her deepest fear though, she will hesitate for a long while after the fearful issue is over, constantly fidgeting and nervously glancing around along with chewing on the inside of her cheek. When trapped, she will break down into a fetal position or within a corner if she's able to get to it, a panic attack soon following after the initial fear she has. The panic attack causes her to struggle to breathe, not being able to respond to questions properly, and just general terrified sobbing.
☼ How would your character respond to experiencing Stress?
☼ In stressful situations, April tends to internally panic causing a moment of hesitance to cross her face usually before going to a neutral expression with underlying stress. Usually, she lets the stress build up internally within herself, staying abnormally silent and gets a broody expression most of the time as it gets worse. When it does finally all come out, either within a private or public setting she tends to get snappy, rude, and overly hostile towards people who garner her attention at the time. However, she will realize how overly rude she's being and goes and broods elsewhere for a time if possible and if not she will continue to argue with whoever is causing her stress.
☼ How would your character express feeling Happy?
☼ When happy, she is generally seen with either a peaceful expression or an impish grin if she is feeling up to be a jokester that day. Depending on how happy she is, she can have a variety of ways of expressing it. Most of the time when she is in a general, modest feeling of happy, she is rather joking and easy going. However, when she is really happy or having a really good day, she will be jittery and unable to sit, seemingly beaming with happiness which can be rather odd for an Altalar but she barely contains her want to jump for joy in those moments.
☼ How does your character view Law and Authorities?
☼ Aprilly is rather indifferent around law and authority figures, she does respect them most of the time but they do make her blood boil when she feels they aren't doing their jobs correctly. Though, she does tend to grin and bear it at the time, turning a blind eye in an attempt to follow through with laws. She does tend to try and help the law at any time if she feels strongly about a certain matter, such as curing vampires or dealing with criminals. However, she would rather not become part of any guard charter, seemingly content with being a medical aid when needed.
☼ How does your character feel about Races other than their own?
☼ Due to growing up within an ailor culture and not exactly her own mother's culture, she is rather accepting of other races as long as they don't force her into anything. However, she tends to be hesitant around races pertaining to the void or anything that has some sort of controlling nature. This stems from a variety of issues she has had with void infested creatures such as Kathars. She tends to be rather rude towards them and isn't afraid to walk away from them if they are in need of assistance when normally she would help any other race.
☼ How does your character feel about Religion for themselves and other faiths?
☼ With religion, April comes across as uncaring towards them and doesn't see the issue with most of them as long as it isn't pressed upon her in any way. She follows the faith of estel but at first she wasn't a fan of it due to her mother rejecting the faith. Her biological father was the one that swayed her to follow the faith so adamantly as a means of standing out from her brother. Her hatred of the void only strengthens her bond to her faith and her close family. She isn't a fan of old fayth or other northern religions but she leaves that to their own appeal and she tends to avoid anything having to do with Unionism.
☼ How does your character feel about the Arcane and Magical in the world?
☼ This Altalar has a deep fascination with anything remotely arcane and magical, secretly wishing to be a mage herself. She wants to understand what she can about it but she also fears it all the same. She fears it partially due to not knowing how all magic works along with having some semblance of jealousy with those who do have such magical talents. Because of her mixed feelings on the arcane and magical abilities people have, she tends to hate Witchbloods with an undying passion along with being particularly judgemental with void influenced magic and abilities. She has a deep hatred for those things but she can't help the slight jealousy bubbling within her of her friends who are gifted with magical talents but hides it well.
☼ How does your character feel towards their family?
☼ Towards her blood family, she has mixed feelings about most of them due to never growing up with her other siblings. She regrets how she left her mother on a sour note before she died and has a sense of failure because of that. With her elder siblings, she is hesitant since she knows how much they loved their mother even despite becoming a fallen Altalar. With her married family she feels partially alienated due to not being of the same race, however, she hopes her willingness to assist them will wave away that fact. She always wants to lend a hand towards those of her family, even if she has qualms with them because they are family.
☼ What is your character's biggest insecurity?
☼ Her biggest insecurity would be her appearance and her lack of aggressive fighting capabilities, being strictly a defensive fighter when in a brawl. She tends to linger on the fact that she isn't as strong as she likes, mentally and physically which causes her to constantly beat herself up in a sense and pushes herself when she shouldn't. She doesn't like her appearance because of all the scarring on her face, however, she tries to act as if it doesn't affect her when it does. Her insecurity with her fighting style, or as sometimes she thinks, lack thereof, she tends to shy away from fighting if she can. However, because of her naturally brash behavior and lack of thinking, she will jump into fights before quickly realizing her mistake of doing so. This causes her fighting style to usually stick to defensive tactics along with warning strikes to get people away from her so she can leave the fight as quickly as possible. That is not always the case though when people bring her quickly to anger which causes her to attack without thought but it is truly hard to get her to that boiling point.
☼ What is your character the proudest of about themselves?
☼ Her medical abilities are one of the things she has worked tirelessly to perfect enough to be able to assist others without issue. Even though she has moments of doubt, she has saved countless of people with her medical prowess and wants to continue being able to do so. She continues to try and further her knowledge at times as well by studying other medics and how they tend to patients. Along with her medical knowledge, she is extremely proud of her ability to aid others when needed and perhaps relies too much on her picky nature when it comes to aiding those she doesn't know. Although, she does draw the line on certain people and groups for good reason. She mostly prides herself on her surgery skills along with her ability to cure vampires as well.
☼ What motivates your character to move forward and better their life?
☼ The want of experience fuels her, wanting to be able to interact with a variety of people before her time is up within the world. She has an adventurous spirit that gets restless when she stays in one area for too long, constantly wanting to explore the various areas of Regalia and involving herself with people that need assistance at times. Her family is also a big part of it, wanting to better herself for them and to perhaps become one of the best if she can. April also takes extreme pride within being one of the Willowmaster's of the bar, the Willow, and sees it as an opportunity of gaining more money and becoming more well known.
☼ What is your character's biggest fear?
☼ Aprilly is deathly afraid of fire and dogs, being quick to panic when either of those things come near her. Her fear of fire comes from when she was shipped out to assist in the battle but ended up being pinned under a large burning beam, narrowly escaping death at that point but being left with a deathly fear of fire from it. She tries to avoid combat situations when there's the possibility of fire being involved at the time. Her fear of dogs come from when she was nearly mauled by a group of vicious dogs as a child, quickly finding them to be more of a foe than a friend. However, if she were to raise a dog herself she would be more at ease with the creature. However, a more lesser known fear of hers is her fear of losing her husband, Connor. She knows how reckless a Sihndar's life can be and she is well aware on how quickly a life can be snuffed out due to recklessness. This causes her to constantly fret whenever he is out on his own but hides it well unless she physically sees him get fatally injured.


"The sun himself is weak when he first rises, and gathers strength and courage as the day gets on."
- Charles Dickens
☼ Weaknesses ☼
☼ Tender Scars:
☼ April has a variety of scars littering her darken skin, the most prominent being a scar across her lip along with a lightning scar on her left shoulder that goes down to her elbow. The scarring is obviously from a lightning strike, causing problems within that arm when she lifts heavy objects for too long. Due to various facial injuries as well, she can no longer smell things from her nose being broken so many times in her life. Despite this she doesn't ever focus on smell, tending to rely heavily on her sight and hearing more often than not. Whenever she loses another sense, it fills her with a fair amount of panic due to having already lost her sense of smell.


"I have, as it were, my own sun and moon and stars, and a little world all to myself."
- Henry David Thoreau
☼ Life Story ☼
☼ Childhood ☼
☼ On a cold evening in December, the 13th to be exact, a healthy baby Sundial Altalar was born to Shelwuin and an unknown father. The baby's name was Ariawyn Daelynn, taking her mother's maiden name despite her parents being married. But that all quickly changed when one night her mother left her several other children, taking only the young babe with her one spring evening once the rest had gone to bed. No one was entirely sure what brought it on, however, some believe was due to her not actually being married to the man she had so many children with before breaking with the fifth child they sired. Once they fled from Teled Methen to the sandy confines of the deserts of Farah'deen, joining a traveling merchant to one of the lesser cities. From there, Ariawyn, who had been aptly nicknamed Aprilly by one of the merchant women, was taken with her mother to stay within the inn until her mother could begin working. Her mother soon met a clockwork engineer and forgemaster Qadir man and the two quickly fell in love and married within a year, over the time the man had become smitten with the mother and felt as if the child was his very own.

The next several years flew by for the young Altalar, by the time she was reaching five, April had begun to read and write in both Modern Altalar and within her stepfather's language of Faraddi. Over this time she began to learn the basics of history while her mother took care of her younger half brother that her mother and stepfather sired within the first couple years of their marriage. Quickly, April had become an independent child, relying more on her self to read books before going to her parents to attempt to show off. While her mother was more than willing to listen to her, her stepfather was the one who truly showed interest in what the young child wanted to learn. When she reached the age of ten, she had been gifted with a small harp that her stepfather made for her despite her roughness towards other people she quickly took to the musical instrument. Various family squabbles occurred throughout her teen years, causing her to quickly leave the confines of her home within the small town and began traveling with a merchant group after the final straw was broken. The biggest squabble being her getting in trouble one too many times for her brother's mistakes and getting into a fight with her younger sibling to boot.

☼ Young Adult ☼
April eventually took up a more Qadir name in her travels, posing as a Qadir-Half Elf mutt to appease to the common folk she met in her travels. She began to learn medicine from a traveling doctor, the woman known as Dima, quickly adopted her into her family. As she continued to travel throughout her early and into her late twenties, she soon found herself nearly being killed in a series of unfortunate events which left her without a mentor. Burning with a vengeance and perhaps left over jealousy from her own past, she made her way back to Teled Methen to where her father was from. She had found out about it due to some letters she had stolen from her mother as a child, quickly returning to the city where she was born. Eventually, she met her elder siblings and her father, which she quickly grew to despise from his domineering attitude and his want to change her into a different person. The young Altalar stayed with her new family until her thirtieth birthday which she then took the pilgrimage to get her ring. Eventually, after her long travels, she had been given the ring of Outer Court Ammu-loa, Compatriot of the Dead and now has the ability to change into a Mortis Dael.

☼ Adult ☼
Once her travels were over, she left to travel over Teled Methen before heading to Ithania, working in a clinic for the several years she was there. April had quickly taken to also training on how to defend herself after a variety of incidents that occurred which ended in her being injured more often than not. She continued her work until traveling to Regalia within 304AC after hearing of the city and wanting to further work there. She had stayed within the city for a year before leaving to visit family in both Farah'deen and in Teled Methen. She'd find herself returning to the city within 306AC, having stayed there ever since.
☼ IC Events ☼
  • Within recent times she had finally married her lover, Connor Decimar.
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[ Relationships ]

Tyr Haalstien - Adoptive Father - "Thanks for taking care of me even if I was a shit."
Ellymina Haalstien - Mother - "I wish I knew more about you than I do."
??? - Father - "I wish I knew who you were."
Sybil Haalstien - Aunt - "Thanks for teaching me how to be a lady."
LitWick - Pet - Candle Mouse - "Please stop eating my hair..."
Bopul - Pet - Rabbit - "Best recent purchase."
Connor Decimar - Fiance - "You're too kind to me, words can't express my gratitude."
Bruce - Friend - "You really suck at lying, Brucie."
Addison Beckett - Friend - "I don't know how to handle you anymore. Quit flirting with me."
Joasaie Llobalen - Friend - "A yanar who is oddly protective of her friends, she's nice."
Daniel Silevon - Friend - "He's an odd one, but I understand his hesitance to trust."
Tehlmar Decimar - Friend - "He's amusing, also helped me scare someone once."
Silyorian Haaven - Friend - "You're too ignorant, Sily."
Jared Kade - Employer - "So. What do you need now?"
Nissi - Kathar - "Don't threaten me and then compliment me."
Abineil - Kathar - "Set me on fire again and I will hurt you."


[ Art ]

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[ Edits ]
- Posted on 7/25/2018, 2:35 AM
- Aesthetic edits TBA
I have added magic to her app after removing it from a different character. It was added in this color.
I am so so sorry for all these edits, Cael. This'll be my last edits for a while.
Changes made in this color.
I know I said no more edits, however, I noticed that I had completely mucked up my math and added another spell and fixed her proficiency points accordingly.
Due to being removed from trustee I have removed all magic and silven from this character and shifted around her points as well
After RPing her for a while and realizing that she didn't really fit the culture or race that I had picked out for her I switched her to an Isldar. And made her older, lots of changes to her so a whole new re-review of her.
No change to her personality though, just her backstory and points were changed to fit her being an Isldar.

Since I'm really indecisive April has been changed again! However, the only thing changed on her was her race back to an ailor and her proficiency points.
Changed her back to isldar and fixed her points around after aging her up.

Changed some points around and her backstory to fit it.
Changed her points around, artist work didn't fit her as much as it did before.
☼ MAJOR UPDATE: April has been changed to an Altalar and her app has been changed accordingly, she also got an age up!
hi I'm back for more.
Added on vampirism to the lovely April and changed points around accordingly.
Changes in this color.
i am so sorry
I'm indecisive as heck so change happened from one bloodline to another.
Edits have been made accordingly in this color.
hi, im indecisive as all heck and decided i wasn't liking the vampirism and removed it and added the ring back on
With the update of the rings comes the update to a different ring, fixed it in her backstory as well! Dunno if it needs to all be re-approved so I made the changes in this color.