Preserved Sheet Marvin Bethell

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Let there be Noot
May 13, 2018
Reaction score
Anamosa, Iowa

"It is not my fault for what I have become."​



♣Full Name: Marvin Bethell

♧Age: 65

♣Gender: Male

♧Race: Imperialized Avanthar; infected with Phantasma Curse

♣Sexulality: Heterosexual



Proficiency Points 60 points
  • +25 Light Bow Combat (+25 From Points)
  • +20 Athletic Training (+20 From Points)
  • +15 Magical Knowledge (+15 From Points)
    Arkenism Info, Racialism Info, Sanguinology Info
  • +10 Axe Combat Skill (+10 From Racial Bonus)
  • +10 Calvary Combat Skill (+10 From Racial Bonus)

(Common) (10/10)
(Plains Elvish) (10/10)



♧Eye Color: Vibrant glowing Green due to the Phantasma curse. Originally a dark blue.

♣Hair Color: Jet Black

♧Hairstyle: Wavy

♣Skin Color: Muddy pale

♧Clothing: Leather coat and boots, varying from situation to situation

♣Height: 6 feet 8 inches

♧Body Stat: 25 Combat Points + 40 Athletic Training Prof (20x2) = 65 Stat

♣Body Build: Strongman

♧Body Fat: Low Body Fat




Marvin is seen by others as a stubborn, but well mannered man who keeps serious every time he meets someone, but that's just when he's on duty. When he's off, he's more friendly since he doesn't have to focus on a mission. In the end, his personalities change for whatever place and time he's in. If people were to meet him face to face, they'd see his glowing green eyes and know that he is a Witchblood and that he's an evil creature. But he knows that what they say is false and that he isn't a true monster, but could become within a matter of seconds if he can't control his powers.​


Marvin feels that he should help stop the Aberrations within the Holy City of Regalia and help those in need. He feels better and more relaxed when he knows nobody is going to judge him for what he has become, something lower than what he use to be. His family passed away from an illness, meaning he doesn't have any family left to cherish. He fears himself for what he could do if nobody was there to stop him, if needed. If he were needed to be stopped, he wouldn't know who would be able to for his feelings so far hasn't let anyone come near him without them trying to get rid of him.​

Friends and Family

Marvin wasn't the closest with his family,
once he heard of their passing, he kind of just continued on without much remorse. For friends however, he can make them quite easily with general talk about the good things in life. When he first meets strangers, he's always careful of what he does around them as to not scare them and call the guards. This can be a strength and weakness, seeing as he wants to show that he isn't a beast as most believe a Phantasma is. Perhaps someday he'll find a love, to which he could start his own family, but he knows that he'll have to find it himself without the help of anyone but himself.​


Marvin is very brave, but a somewhat closed soul due to the fears of what people would do if they were to see his electrifying green eyes. He does whatever it takes to stop the real monsters in the world, the Sanguines and the Demon Worshipers that lay their disgusting hands upon the innocents. Most are wary of this factor, only due to the fact they may consider him a monster as well. For now, his morality keeps him from putting harm onto the innocents who have done nothing to help or aid the evil that lays within the world.​



  • Himself - "What were to happen if I lost control?" Marvin is terrified of what he could do if he couldn't control his power. He has seen the powers of other Witchbloods, yet he doesn't know how to have full control of his own curse. After all, he's still quite new to the entire situation. Even if he had control over it, who knows what could happen in the future and if someone takes control of his own body?

  • Strangers - "Are they going to call the guards for what I am?" Marvin knows nothing of what goes on in other people's heads. He doesn't know if one minute they're all nice and the next they called the guards. He's tired of others judging him for what he has become, but understands that not everyone can be as understanding as he is.

  • Paranoia - "What if…" Paranoia taints Marvin's mind, encasing him occasionally in its grasp. Ansty about being around large groups of people, the Phantasma curse only boosted this feeling. He often tends to himself, wary of those around.



0-6 Years Old

Marvin Bethell was "born" to Mark and Madonna Bethell in the year of 231, within the city of Mandaton after they left the Ularen Wastes and Daendroc when they were imperialized. The instant he was born, his parents knew that he had a spark of fire within him. The fire for knowledge of the art of Smiting, forging weapons of steel and many other minerals. At the age of 5, Marvin was able to watch his father go to work at their own private Forge that sold many weapons and armor to the people within the city. His father wasn't special in any way besides his knowledge of smithing and his time with learning plenty of Magical Knowledge during his time.

7-13 Years Old

Marvin was now a 7 year old boy, starting to watch his father work even more. With the wait to join by his father's side with creating powerful weapons, he grew impatient. As time grew by, he became more and more interested with the knowledge of Aberrations and what power they had. But, he also read about the dangers they held to the people around. He asked his father one night before heading to bed, "Could I help stop the monsters?" Marvin's father only said a few words that changed his life, "It's up to you." On that day, Marvin decided to learn how to fight the aberrations, deciding to have his father train him with his own knowledge.​

14-20 Years Old

At the age of 14, he began to be taught on the magical knowledge that his father knew. The more and more he got into the knowledge of Magical Beings, he forgot that he also needed to learn about true fighting skills, which was rather tricky. So, his father decided to help teach him the ways of the Axes. , Marvin was at the age of 20 at the time when his father continued to teach him the ways of Magical Knowledge.​

21-27 Years Old

When he turned 23, he found that his parents passed due to an illness where he felt no sadness for them. He knew that they believed and trusted in the Holy Spirit and the Spirit would lay them rest. At the age of 24, He traveled around, continuing his search for the horrible monsters until he reached the city of Axford. There, he decided to settle down and begin his search for Sanguines and Demon Worshipers there. He continued on his search, getting small leads here and there until he reached the age of 28.​

28-30 Years Old

At the age of 28, he got his very first big lead while staying within the city. He got many romers of a Sanguine Coven that laid within the city. That's where things came to turn for the worst, where he became what he is today. He reached the Coven, pretty prepared for what was about to come. What he didn't think of was their numbers and how large they were. He fought for hours until he was too tired to go on, where he killed at least 10 young Sanguines before he fell. That's when the Desprince of the Coven showed itself to the Avanthar, being ready to kill him. Marvin tried to escape, but before he could even reach the gate, The Desprince left a large scar on his back, right eye, and a sword in his stomach. The Avanthar thought that he was going to die that day, but he survived only from a few citizens who saw the destruction that laid waste by his almost lifeless body. He woke up the next day, confused on what had happened. The citizens explained that they found his almost lifeless body by a burning building where a few Sanguines tried to escape, but failed when they were captured by the city guard. They said that he needed to rest himself so he could recover fast, but that's when things started to get a bit strange. A week after the fight, his head start to ring and he felt many headaches that he thought that were just going to pass by. Afterwards, he notice that everything seemed more green and he felt confused of what to do next. He started to forget who he even was, the doctors that were helping him thought that he was just going mad from the attack that he faced. A couple days later, he decided to leave the hospital for a while due to an angry urge to strangle someone. When he saw a Silven trying to rob someone, he instantly grabbed their throat and began to strangle them. A few moments later, the Silven was dead right in front of him. After feeding some more of the Witchbloods, he figured what what he had become. The instant he went back to the School, they expelled him due to his failure with his mission and that he was a Witchblood. After killing even more Silven and Mages in his time, he found how to feed his horrible urge by just touching them.​

31-65 Years Old

After his many years of carrying the horrible curse, he decided to use that time to adventure around the world to learn new languages and to see the world around him. His curse was a nightmare to him, always wanting to stay away from others. He finally arrived within the Holy City of Regalia to see how everyone would react to him just being there. At first it wasn't too bad, the people were nice to him and nobody really seemed to care about him being cursed. He stayed in Regalia for a while until the infection known as the "Void's Grasp" took him from his job. Now, he's going around trying to find a job with the help of his new friends and family. With the helping to fight off the Mist, he bonded more with comrades around Regalia with the new hopes of becoming someone greater then a Sanguine Hunter like the past.

Credit to @Ailethi For the help, thank you so much :)
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Full Name: Marvin Bethell

Age: 30

Gender: Male

Race: Colonial Alior

Sexulality: Heterosexual

Proficiency Points 30-10= 20 points

  • +20 Longsword (+10 From Darkwald, +10 From Points)

  • +20 Aberration Knowledge (+10 From Darkwald, +10 From Points)

  • +10 Crossbow (+10 From Darkwald)

  • +5 Unionist Seminary (+5 Culture Bonus)

Culture Points

  • +30 Smithing (+30 From Points)


Common (10/10)

(Modern Elvish) (10/10)

(Alt-Regalian) (10/10)

Eye Color: Green (Witchblood) Dark Blue (Normal)

Hair Color: Jet Black

Hairstyle: Wavy

Skin Color: Dirty White

Clothing: Leather coat, boots, and tricorne hat

Height: 6 feet 4 inches

Body Build: Muscular
Please fix the spacing inbetween each line of information and include the Visual Information category, if you copied and pasted the app over from a google doc, be sure to delete the extra spaces added in the process! Thank you!

Marvin is seen by others as a brute who has nothing left to do, but act dumb with no intelligence at all. Which is true since he does look strong, but he's quite smart for someone of his nature. If people were to hear of the "brute", they'd hear about his creepy green eyes. The only problem people have with knowing him is that he's a Witchblood, which many people hate since he's considered a dark creature. He knows that what they say is false and that he isn't a true monster, but could become within a matter of seconds. It's only just a matter of time until something happens, weather it be good or bad.
Change mentions of how others would react based on his physical appearance and more so to be how they would react towards him as a character in regards to his personality traits, is he well mannered? snarky? stubborn? elaborate!

Be sure to tag me and mark edits in blue when you're done!​
@Caelamus I decided to do a bit of a rewrite of the character, I changed his race into the way that I wanted as well as the age. I had a friend help with details along the line and also I updated his life story to match up to the present.
Marvin Bethell was "born" to Mark and Madonna Bethell in the year of 236, within the city of Mandaton. The instant he was born, his parents knew that he had a spark of fire within him.
Was he born after his parents left the Ularen Wastes and Daendroc and they had imperialized or prior?
Proficiency Points 60 points
  • +50 Magical Knowledge
  • +20 Axe Combat Skill (From Racial Bonus)
  • +10 Calvary Combat Skill (From Racial Bonus)
The cap is now 30 points, please bump down the magical knowledge and be sure to include the sources. +10, +20 etc! Also be sure to add in the new bodyshape included with the template, tag me when you're done!
@Caelamus I fixed the points earlier and I believe I have added up everything to the point where he is considered Musclegod, but I need you to let me know on the points since I'm not use to it.
♧Body Stat: 40 Combat Points + 10 Athletic Training Prof x 2 = 60 Stat

♣Body Build: Muscular (Highest For Avanthar)

♧Body Fat: Low Body Fat
Approved, but this section goes under the proficiency category now not the visual information category!
@Caelamus Wanted to let you know that I updated Marvin's Life Story due to the new Witchblood Re-Write and the voiding of his punishment from the Synod. I've talked with the people that were involved and they all agreed to allow the void.
@Caelamus I updated his points. -10 from Magical Knowledge and moved them about to Light Bow and Athletics where I believe I forgot I had +10 extra points to spend. Either that I was blind.