Preserved Sheet Nhamashal Ondomiel

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Flower Goblin
May 22, 2016
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♚ Basic Information ♚

♚ Full Name: Nhamashal Ondominel

» Nicknames: Nyth, Nama
♚ Age: 127
♚ Gender: Agender
♚ Race: Yanar - Yanera-Flor



♚ Skill Information ♚

♚ Proficiency Points: 45 + 5 = 50 + 10 Hobby and 10 Talent Points
» Core Points:
+10 Medical Sciences
+15 Stave Combat (+5 Yanar Boost)
» Talent Points:
+10 String Instrument (Talent Points)
» Hobby Points:
+15 Needlework Art
+15 Fabric Art
+5 Cooking Art (Hobby Points)
+5 Baking Art (Hobby Points)

♚Body Shape:
» Physical Stat
» Body Shape
» Body Fat
Low Body Fat
♚ Languages:
Modern Altalar - 10/10 - Mother Language
Daendroquean - 10/10 - Father Language
Common - 10/10



♚Visual Information ♚
♚ Eye Color:
» Pale Blue
♚ Hair Color:
» Dark green like that of an evergreen tree
♚ Hair Style:
» Short
♚ Skin Color:
» Teal
» Easy to move in clothing
» 6'0



♚ Personality and Abilities ♚

♚ The Core List
» Choose your Character Alignment
Chaotic Neutral
» Choose your Character Personality Type
ISFJ-A - Defender
» Choose your Character's Religion
3/10 Unionism - They are conflicted about religion itself, having never truly been raised around it nor ever seen it as a point of hope and comfort as others do. They respect unionism but will perhaps look into other religions in the future depending on how things go.



♚ Life Story ♚

♚ Childhood & Teen Years
» Nhamashal was 'born' to a yanar pairing who had chosen to raise various Yanera within a small grouping in Daen, however, the peace was soon shattered.
» In the middle of the night, a group of kathar had descended upon the small settlement, which was barely even a village with how little there was, swiftly cutting down the few protectors they had before stealing away the few young yanar they had cornered, Nahmashal being one of them.
» Throughout their childhood with the various young yanar, they'd work for the Kathar, although not out of want but as a need to survive for fear of burning like their village had.
» While they worked, they took to needlework and making clothes after figuring out they had a knack for it at some point, although most of the Kathar were weary on giving them anything truly sharp in case they lashed out even with needles.
» They continued learning how to repair and make clothing as well as learning how to weave cloth and other material used for making clothing.

♚ Young Adult Years
» As they grew older, they began to grow more and more spiteful towards the Kathar that kept them as forced farmers and such, taking to joining the small group that had begun to learn how to fight in the wee hours of the night.
» Nhamashal eventually took to learning how to use a stave, acting as if cleaning for the Saivale to take brooms as makeshift 'staves' to at least get used to the grip after being tasked by the head of their yanar group.
» Their teen years, up until they hit the age of twenty, were rather uneventful beyond the occasional reprimands and being caught stealing things and being injured for such.
» Eventually, a revolt happened which ended in the young yanar fleeing with a small group of Cielothar and Yanar as the older folks of the group stayed behind as a distraction.
» Once the group had gotten far enough, Nhama had taken up the role as a guardian under the leadership of a small council, making a caravan to constantly travel and move away from such atrocities.
» They had quickly taken to Yanera-Flor after cutting away from the caravan to become a nomad near a large town with Daendroc.
» As they stayed relatively to themself, the various Cielothars and Yanars who traveled through took to staying with the young Yanar, teaching them on medicine and other useful things.

♚ Adult Years
» In their older years after spending most of their life within the town, they found themselves yearning for travel, eventually leaving the small community they had grown to be a part of in favor of traveling and experiencing things.
» They met an Avanthar woman at some point before beginning to travel with a caravan once more out of curiosity.
» While traveling they ended up having one or two children themselves on occasion as well as coming in touch with siblings they thought were long lost.
» In recent years, they found themselves traveling to Regalia, going through various trials with their new found family there before taking to the road for two years before recently returning.


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  • Add one sentence to the second paragraph.
Make the above edit in a different colour and tag me afterwards!
Requesting re-review from any lore staff willing to pick this up and the changes are made in green;
  • Aging up two years.
  • Changed from agender to male.
  • First three personality paragraphs were completely rewritten.
  • Removed the two weaknesses he had in favor of a physical injury.
  • Added languages known.
I will be taking over this review.
Expect a response within 48 hours.
Woop! Let's do this!
Whatcha Gotta Do: ( Required )
  • Languages: Characters are only allotted three languages unless they are linguists. This will need to be changed.
Other than that the application looks good. Go ahead and make the edits in your color of choice and tag me when you're done.
The only thing about languages is that common is a universal language and I thought that it didn't count towards the other three languages and I would think with all the lack of fully knowing each language except elvish it'd be fine but I'll still change it if you want me to.
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Added the linguistics trait and how he has been used as a translator in the past.

Edits made in this color.
Updated spring roll into a more brawler esque type of character because that was how I was playing him, edits made in this color.

  • Replaced school of Atraves for school of Stealthmark
  • Added in Lecgaen as well
  • Made appropriate edits within the backstory to add in the stealthmark and lecgaen training.
Love this character design overall.

I have no idea if it requires a re-review but the tag still went away when I did the edits. Just changed some cultural points around in this color.

Looks good, no surprise there. Sorry for dropping the ball on this.

I edited the points to fit accordingly to adding magic to trash plant.
He is now even trashier.
Also, I'd like to note I have gotten rid of other magic apps.
Also realized I forgot to color the changes so I did that because I am a mess.
I am so sorry for all the alerts I'm a mess.
I would love it if your character and mine could meet sometime, that'd be cool! If not, that is also fine ;3
I don't know if it needs a re-review but I changed it from a ferret to a small weasel for his ellon.
Shifted around the spells he had, added some spells and bumped down the appropriate prof points as well as some minor edits in this color.
I have removed magic from nyth and require reapproval for trash plant in this color.
Taken for Re-Review.

Approved as I can find no issues.
Need a new reviewer after having not updated the app in a year.