Preserved Sheet Bronwyn Cuffburt

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❤ Confy ❤ - Mrs. Massivecraft
Jul 9, 2013
Reaction score
Somewhere Over the Rainbow
"Headstrong Hellion"


"Mischievous Miscreant"

Full Name: Bronwyn "Wyn" Ragnfríðr Cuffburt
Birth Name: Brynaelda "Bryn" Ragnfríðr Cuffburt
Age: 28 years old; born October 5th, 283 AC.
Gender: Female
Race: Humorrin Dwarf
Main Ambition: Love: Bronwyn does not truly care for power or riches, all she really wants is to be shown and given love and attention. It is something she has longed for since her childhood, and continues to hope that someone, anyone, will give her some love back. Due to her rather ugly appearance, Wyn believes she is cursed from ever finding someone to love her for who she is.

Skill Information (Required)

Proficiency Points: +5 unused

+23 Dwarven Axe (Racial Boost +10 and +13 Proficiency Points added)
+10 School of Storsmede

Cultural Proficiency Points: +5 unused
+48 Smithing (+20 Dwarf, +10 School of Storsmede, +18 profiency points)
+10 Tailoring (+10 from School of Storsmede)
+10 Carving (+10 from School of Storsmede)
+5 Vocal Music

Common Tongue (Read, Write, Speak)
Dwarven (Read, Write, Speak)

Bronwyn has been in Regalia since birth. Her mother wanted to live in Regalia in hopes to start a new life and be more successful. Currently, Bronwyn has not managed to keep any job for too long. Bronwyn deems herself as ugly and her unattractive features turn potential employers away from keeping her as a maid. Bronwyn's vulgar personality also is a deterrent to any respectable work, and she has now joined a gang in the slums to make money as a thief. Bronwyn and her adopted sister, Poppy, live in the slums in a tiny house they rent with the wages that Poppy makes as a maid and any money that Wyn scratches together.

Wyn was born in Regalia to full-blooded Humorrin dwarves: Ásbjörn and Ingvild Cuffburt. Her older brother Hreiðarr is twelve years older than her and in current events has been captured and enslaved by the Isldar. She has a younger brother Hreiðarr, who is three years younger than she is, they also have lost each other in the fall of Aldruin.
She has numerous cousins: Fólki, Gunilla, and Helleyvi (to her beloved uncle Dagfinnr and aunt Oydilia), then Eileifr, Kjellfrid, and Tryggvi (to her aunt Svanhildr- she did not know her uncle Boerand), then finally poor Stigir (to her eccentric uncle Jórunnr and aunt Bratha).

Wyn has adopted Poppy Cuffburt (formerly Poppy Alberi) as her sister, however this later changed as Poppy was then adopted into a noble family. She adores Poppy for her wit and her moxy. They make a good team and Wyn would do anything for Poppy.

Wyn wants to learn how to fight better so that she can protect Poppy. She wants to be able to be a capable partner to care for Pops and those around her. Wyn wants to keep up her 'tough girl' image and wants to learn how to fight so that she isn't pushed around by everyone anymore.
"Rambunctious Ruffian"

Eye Color: Forest Green
Hair Color: Natural hair color is a light ginger but continually dyes her hair a darker auburn-brunette tone to help disguise the frequent dirtiness of her hair.
Hair Style: Tied in a braid with messily cut bangs
Skin Color: Peach
Clothing: Stockings, boots, over-sized shirts in grey tones, brown pants or shorts, sometimes a brown tunic.
Height: 4 feet 4 inches
Body Build: Stocky
Weapon of Choice: Aldruin Axe, Runic Axe

Wyn has large, round eyes for her face and they seem similar to a puppy's with their expressive nature. Her mouth is average with a small centimeter scar on the right side of her upper lip. Notably, Wyn is missing plenty of teeth in her mouth, which contributes to her 'ugly' label of herself. Bronwyn's ears are large, rounded and stick out a bit more than they probably should due to her dwarven heritage. Her face is usually contorted into a grimace or sneer but for friends and family she will offer a rare smile or teeth-missing toothy grin. Wyn's skin is covered in freckles all over, and especially marking across the bridge of her nose, cheeks, and along her forehead and neck. Her hair is always messily braided into long braid that falls about chest-high, and has fringe bangs that were cut unevenly and are grown out in some places more than others.

Wyn has a stout stature of 4'5, brawny shoulders and a generally brutish demeanor for a young girl. Bronwyn is constantly hungry and would be happy to eat more and be more brawny and large if she had the opportunity. She also often gets injured and scraped, and because Bronwyn is usually covered in filth, she easily gets infections in her wounds.

Wyn is a survivalist: her clothing is usually too small, really old, filthy, or all of the above. She does not have the money to spend on buying new garments, so whatever she wears she's either had for a long time, or she stole them off a dead guy or off a market stall display. She has worn a too small brown frock that she's had for a couple years with her beat up dark brown boots and cream-grey stockings. But she now wears a light grey, long-sleeved shirt, brown poofy shorts, her cream-grey stockings, tall black boots, cheap leather-strapped arm guards, and a faded red scarf and mittens. Bronwyn secretly loves pastel colors like periwinkle, light blue, soft yellow, and even… pink. But not for herself. Wyn likes to wear browns, dark and light greens, dark and light reds, and grey tones. She has no jewelry, but wears a piece of twine with one of her father's military uniform buttons as a necklace pendant. Wyn always carries an old knife that is rusty and of poor quality. And notably, she always has a pocket full of old buttons that she collects and cherishes.

Wyn is an uneducated girl, has no ability to read, and can only barely scribble off her name. Her voice is deep, rough, and has a thick accent that comes from her mixed heritage and lack of education. She often mispronounces things and shortens words for her convenience. Her tone is usually loud and fast, blurring words into others. She has a lisp and stutters when she's terrified or anxious, though Wyn tries her hardest to act like she is never afraid. Wyn fluently speaks Dwarven tongue as her first language due to her parents, and often struggles with Common tongue.
"Pigheaded Punk"

Bronwyn is seen as a crude, filthy little ruffian, which would be accurate. She has a self-preservation mindset and comes off as arrogant girl as she wants to be useful. A stranger would be repulsed by Bronwyn, depending on when they saw her and what mood she was in. When in a pleasant mood, Wyn acts more friendly and goofy and can be seen as dumb, dopey, and semi-lovable. However, when angry, Wyn can be perceived as reckless, belligerent, ill-tempered, and volatile, which causes an extremely negative perception of her. If someone heard about her on the street without meeting her, it would probably be based on her mischief and misdeeds. The words said about her would solely be negative about her rough nature and her impulsive decisions.

For all of Wyn's defensiveness with her tough image, she is actually very insecure inside. She likes to pretend as though she is confident in herself, however, this is deception is to try and convince herself of a lie. Bronwyn is insecure because of her appearance which she believes is disgusting because of the remarks made on it from a young age. Wyn thinks that she is worthless and undeserving of any help because of her life of crime and poverty. She fronts as though she enjoys being ugly, although she truly just wishes she could be like everyone else. Wyn is secretly very anxious of losing the few people she loves, and has developed possessive feelings for anyone that chooses to become close to her. Bronwyn likes to think she is brave because of her dwarven heritage. Though Wyn has a lot of fears of abandonment and love. She fears abandonment by others because Wyn lost the majority of her family which instilled paranoia in Bronwyn that anyone she grows attached to will leave. Bronwyn continually feels guilt for the people she has hurt and her actions. She is afraid that everyone she cares for is simply lying to her because of continual insults she receives on the daily, which has made her grow somewhat resentful of her race's stereotyped image. Bronwyn is afraid of love mainly because of how valuable it is. She desperately wants to be loved, but fears as soon as she gives her heart away to others that they will hurt her with it.

Wyn is very friendly, open, and playful with her friends. She is very adventurous, eager to learn, and easy-going around friends. Wyn wants to enjoy herself when in the presence of those she trusts, but she also wants to show-off and prove that she is worth something. Bronwyn is very affectionate towards family, her adoptive sister Poppy. She is loyal and would do anything for her sister. Wyn is more open to new possibilities, however, she still strongly relies on Poppy to make her decisions for her, as Wyn recognizes that Poppy is more intelligent. Wyn can be very chivalrous when she is attempting to woo a woman, mainly because she bases her flirtation off of fairy-tale knights. There is a good-natured kindness beneath Bronwyn's surface that strangers cannot see as they dismiss Bronwyn as hasty and careless.

Bronwyn acts as a lawful neutral as she follows her own set of rules. She does not believe in being cruel or unjust simply for her own gain, however, she is willing to do unspeakable things if it means the safety of her sister, people she cares about, or secures her family's future. Wyn does not believe in taking from those that are unable to provide for themselves, the sick, or those already starving. She is agnostic but follows the ideals of being a fair and forgiving person… for most things. Wyn sees nobles as corrupt, self-serving, and selfish as she watches people starve around her. Although, she doesn't have the time or energy to dedicate to causing them misfortune. Wyn believes in helping younger children when she can, as she sees her lost sibling in them. Bronwyn also thinks that whatever misdeeds she does are justified if she "had" to do them to make coin for rent or food, or for her own protection.

Wyn is agnostic because she has faced so much loss and hurt in her life that she believes that the Spirit cannot do anything as a divine being and does not care for people at all. Her adoptive sister, Poppy, is a very religious Unionist and disapproves of Wyn's lack of faith. Bronwyn believes that the nobles need the working class and poor commoners to survive, but that they do not value them at all. She thinks that all nobles are liars, vicious, and self-absorbed. Wyn thinks that in order to do anything in this life, that she must work for it and that nothing will be handed to her. Bronwyn knows that if she wants to succeed that she must forcibly claw her way for it.
"Stocky Smith"

Wyn picks at the skin on her lower lip when nervous and/or afraid which often causes it to get bloody. She will often bounce on her heels when she is excited and sways her arms back and forth. When agitated, Wyn has a tendency to pace back and forth with lumbering, quick, jerky motion.

Wyn is a good juggler as it is something she used to perform on the street when she was a young girl in attempt to make some coin. It never really panned out well for her, but she is very good at consistently juggling three objects.

Wyn is constantly hungry and any food is always a welcomed present. She loves sandwiches and can easily cram a few down her throat in contentment.

A significance derived from scavenging objects, Wyn often carries a bulging pocketful of buttons like a child would carry a security blanket. Due to a need to grow up fast and a hardened loneliness that rooted in her chest, Wyn made up stories about the lives of the people who owned the buttons. There's a sentimental tie and now a compulsion to pick up and 'save' any button she sees lying around.

Soft Fabrics: Similar to the buttons with the desire to seek comfort, Wyn adores anything soft and will not hesitate in rubbing against it. However, because of her impoverished upbringing, Wyn doesn't have really anything super soft, or any opportunity to get anything.


"Midget": Bronwyn hates being called a 'midget' or 'shortie' or any variant that implies because of her stature that she is less than others. The term "midget" in particular is something that really gets her stirred up, especially when said in a mocking tone. Although, there are times that she calls herself a midget, and doesn't get upset because she is the one saying it, which is a bit contradictory, but it is an issue with her ego and pride.
"Frightful Fiend"
Thrain Othlest - Dear Lover & Husband - @Gartono Bronwyn adores Thrain above all else and is happy to have met the fellow Aldruin dwarf. She feels complete at his side and her devotion to him is unmatched. Thrain never fails to make Wyn happy and she looks forward to the years spent together ahead of them.

Jorundr Cuffburt - Beloved Uncle - @Eronoc Wyn's only currently known alive blood relative. She adores Jorundr and would do anything for him. They both passionately believe and pray for the return of Aldruin, and she enjoys teasing the elder dwarf to keep their hearts from growing too heavy.

Poppy Cuffburt - Adopted Sister - @Mandyy_ Wyn loves Poppy dearly and all that they have gone through together only makes their bond stronger. Wyn is fiercely overprotective of Poppy and desperately wants to make Poppy happy... always.

Taliandra Jouhari - Best Friend - @katiesc Bronwyn met Tali shortly after arriving to the city and after meeting Poppy. Tali has always been a reliable source of love and support for both Wyn and her sister. Bronwyn is incredibly loyal to Tali and strives to protect her the best she can.

Benjamin Journey - Deceased Lover - @JarrettdaCarrot When the man stepped into her life on an unexpected, misfortunate song about smelly dwarves, Wyn never thought she could learn to like him. However, upon reconnecting months later and learning that he kept his word to write a song about her, his commitment to promises stole her heart. Now left behind with his son (to another woman), she strives to raise him well to make Ben proud, and hopes one day he can forgive her for where she has failed.

Sophie Perrot - Close Friend - @Patsie Surprisingly, Bronwyn deeply admires Sophie and values her friendship immensely. Wyn would do anything to help Sophie and particularly looks up to her as an odd role model. They have been through a lot together and she is always appreciative of Sophie's company.

Ul'rog - Grun-Da - @Empaul Ul'rog is someone Wyn has just accepted as family. He is kind and caring towards her. She always appreciates his advice and his kindness and hopes to make him proud of her. Ul'rog means a lot to Wyn as he is a constant source of grandfatherly love and acceptance.

More to do.

"Brutish Broad"

Brynaelda Ragnfríðr Cuffburt was born in the Dwarven hold of Aldruin in the early signs of winter in 283 AC to Ásbjörn and Ingvild Cuffburt.

Her early childhood was a joyful one filled with love amongst her community despite the ongoing conflicts with the Dakkar and Ailor settlements. When she was three, her mother gave birth to Eyvindur. As Bronwyn grew older she was often found tackling and rolling in the mud or causing mischief. She felt happy with her home and admired her mother's work as an engraver as Brynaelda always appreciated the details that decorated the functional objects.

As Brynaelda entered adolescence, Hreiðarr was already studying to be a soldier for the hold. Shortly thereafter, she was expected to take a calling in life. For weeks she struggled, however, as she watched her uncle forge Aldruin Axes she knew she wanted to be a smith. She decided to enroll at Institiùt Far Smeghobaing Oguska' Caraidn in her hold of Aldruin.

She dutifully studied at the school, happy to be there and content with the fires of the forges.
When Brynaelda was fourteen, her father Ásbjörn died in a fight against the Dakkar. This devastated her mother Ingvild, who steeled her sorrows and poured them into her engraving work. Brynaelda and Eyvindur carried on but their family was never the same again with the loss of joy that Ásbjörn provided when he entered a room.

At the age of fifteen, Dagfinnr presented her with an Aldruin Axe, which she cherishes to this day. Her bond with her uncle strengthened as they became inseparable. She continued her studies alongside Vragi and watching her mother's work in her spare time.

When Brynaelda was twenty, there was an attack on the hold that shook Brynaelda to the core. In all her life she had never seen the ferocity of the Wyverns looming overhead as they dropped boulders upon the defenses. The Isldar banging on the door unsettled the communities. Even as the attacks subsided when they were unable to get in, it left a deep-rooted fear of Wyverns.

The hold continued cautiously onwards and Brynaelda continued her studies and work of smithery. By the time she graduated, she moved to work in a forge with her elder forgemaster, Vragi. She supported Eyvindur as he chose his path of carpentry and started studying. Brynaelda started managing the forge for Vragi as he was now so elderly that the forge was becoming too difficult to run himself, slowly retreating into his own small smithing projects.

The fall of Aldruin broke Brynaelda's heart. Her family and loved ones were scattered as her very world, all she had ever known came crashing down. Carnage and despair ensued as Isldar broke down the doors and terrorized her home. Brynaelda gathered her Aldruin Axe, her notes and whatever parchments she could find of her uncle Dagfinnr's work with a plan to escape with her brothers.

As dawn ascended on the second day, Brynaelda, Eyvindur and Hreiðarr set out to flee. They were interrupted by Isldar who attacked the group, resulting in Brynaelda being badly wounded. In attempt to save his family, Hreiðarr attacked the pursuing Isldar to distract them from his younger siblings. Eyvindur helped Brynaelda flee and when she became unable to carry on, he carried her. As the pair were leaving, far behind them, Brynaelda saw Hreiðarr fall in a lifeless heap at the feet of the Isldar.

Brynaelda and Eyvindur's refuge in the wild only a few miles from the fallen hold was short-lived. As more Isldar overtook the hold, they were once again overrun and in the panic of trying to flee with the few other escaping dwarves, Brynaelda and Eyvindur got separated. Alone, heartbroken and grief-stricken, Brynaelda found the nearby Ailor settlements and found her way to flee slavery by the Isldar. With a heavy heart, she stowed away in the bow of a ship headed to Regalia, leaving the remnants of her beloved homeland and her lost younger brother behind.


Upon arriving to Regalia, in hopes to assimilate and be accepted, Brynaelda changed her name to Bronwyn. Without any coin or reputation, only carrying a worn burlap bag with her prized possessions from home, Bronwyn was directed to the slums.

Bronwyn was homeless and hungry, drifting from corner to corner in bouts of starvation to days where she scraped by. This fueled an even more desperate longing to be accepted and when met with a barrage of assaults from the residents of the slums, she gained a hatred that rooted in her heart. This feral sense of building anger manifested through violence as she mugged and pummeled others for money. She gained more scars to add to her plethora and with each beating she became uglier.

Bronwyn met a petite blonde Ailor girl named Poppy who she became best friends with, growing to love her like family. They lived in the slums together for a short time.

Bronwyn did gang work for a while before some influential people around her persuaded her to stop her life of violence and crime. They urged her to realize that she has a chance at being happy and being loved despite her past. She met Augustin Reinard and became his servant, growing to love her work and adore the family she serves. Wyn is deeply attached to the Reinards for all they have done for her.

Recently, she got involved with slum gang work again over a deal she thought she couldn't refuse. Additionally, Wyn started working for Lord Jared Kade in the Emperor's Ember forge, however, quickly left and started her own forge: Clink 'n' Clank in the slums. Now she's settling down with her own dwarf lad and coming to terms with her living situation in Regalia.

Last edited:
Ryia is Wyn's new bff wtf

Updates for Re-Review!
Changed Weapon of Choice to Battleaxe!
Included her languages and level of fluency in each, which also relates to updates in life story!
Changed mother's name to Ingvild (makes more sense)!
Added on and changed the life story!

  • I aged up the character to 19
  • Redid all of the Talents Section
  • Redid the entirety of the Life Story to reflect a life spent almost entirely in a Hold.
All changes are in GREEN.
Not sure if you updated to this or if I've just missed this after all these reviews, the School of Storsmede uses regular proficiency points. So the -10 comes from that, not the cultural which it looks like you've done. Correct this and tag me once completed.
Not sure if you updated to this or if I've just missed this after all these reviews, the School of Storsmede uses regular proficiency points. So the -10 comes from that, not the cultural which it looks like you've done. Correct this and tag me once completed.
OH. I apologize, I'm still confused. I thought smithing was a cultural profiency and that tailoring and carving were also cultural profiencies, can you perhaps tell me how to write it? I'm really confused now.
They are all cultural proficiencies, yes, but the cost for the school comes from the regular proficiency pool. So it breaks down like this:

Proficiency 23-10 for School

Cultural Proficiency

+10 Smithing
+10 Carving
+10 Tailoring

It is a bit confusing, I will admit, but all schools draw from the main proficiency pool regardless of where the actual points gained from it end up.
Yes, you have 10 more cultural points if you wish to use them. But I will go ahead and approve you now since it isn't required.