Enoch Rouvin Marinos

Discussion in 'Character Sheets' started by HydraLana, Feb 1, 2017.

  1. HydraLana

    HydraLana The Very Gay Walking Talking Lore Encyclopedia Staff Member Lore3

    Mar 22, 2013
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    Basic Information
    • Full Name: Enoch Rouvin Marinos (Eno)
    • Imperialized: Endrik Rouvin Arias
    • Age: 25
    • Gender: Male
    • Race: Etosian Ailor
    • Sexuality: Homosexual
    Basic Information (Expansion)
    • Enoch came to Regalia to learn more about the art of the Empire as well as to experience such a multicultural setting. He’s been there for over a year and while the recent Lo occupation certainly was not very good for anyone inside the city, he scraped by before reuniting with his roommate.
    • He was born to a family of herdsmen in Etosil, in a region influence by Daendroc culture. His mother was Vana, his father was Eirenaios, and his three older sister were Aella, Adora and Ianthe. He then has a younger brother named Andres. He had two aunts, one uncle and a dozen cousins, some having their own families.

    Skill Information
    • Total Proficiency Points: 30
    • Proficiency Points:
      • +20 Visual Arts (+10 from Proficiency Points, +10 from Hobby Points)
      • +5 Sculpting Arts
      • +4 Ceramic Arts
      • +3 Society Knowledge
        • Ailor Society
      • +3 Linguistics Knowledge
      • +3 Athletic Training
      • +2 Bodycare Training
    • Body Shape
      • 0 + 3x0.5 = 2 Physical Stat
      • Body Shape: Toned
      • Body Fat: Average Body Fat
    • Languages
      • Common
      • Etosian
      • Daendroquin
      • Leutz-Vixe
    • Magic Spells: N/A
    Visual Information
    • Eye Color: Green
    • Hair Color: Dark brown
    • Hair Style: Thick curled/wavy
    • Skin Color: Tanned
    • Clothing: He often wears Imperial clothing
    • Height: 5’10 feet
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    MaxandEnochPandush.jpg tumblr_messaging_pfqqi7hCKg1vv6r7u_1280.jpg
    Personality and Abilities (Required)
    Option Two: The Core List

    • Choose your Character Alignment
      • Lawful Good
    • Choose your Character Personality Type
      • The Mediator
    • Choose your Character's Religion
      • Etosian Unionism 5/10 - While Enoch was once far more loyal to his Etosian education and upbringing, his firm acceptance of himself since 307 AC (despite being taught how morally disgusting he was) has weakened his intense devotion to Unionism
    Weaknesses (OPTIONAL)
    • Lower Back: When he was younger, one of his worst instances of failure was when he fell and hurt his back on the rocks near his home. Unfortunately, due to the nature of his job at the time, no one came to check on him until nearly 2 hours later, forcing him to lay there with the pain. While he did get help and his back has healed, it is still fragile and gives him bouts of soreness.
    Life Story
    Birth to 7

    • Enoch was born in eastern Etosil to a family of herdsmen in a village close to the city of Myrmilio on June 6th, 283 AC
    • His family had already had three daughters and while his parents loved them, they yearned for a son to help with the herds; Enoch’s middle name is in reference to his father’s joy at a son
    • Enoch was first put out onto the rocky terrain at the age of four but being an adventurous kid, he soon got the hang of climbing around on the rocks
    • When he was 7, his father had to leave him in the field for most of the day and asked his older cousins to look in on him; it slipped their mind and by the time they reached the pasture, it was too late
    • Enoch had fallen almost 2 hours ago onto some rocks and hurt his back, the pain being too much to try and stand so he just lay there in the gritty grass with the sun high in the sky
    • He was taken and healed, growing closer to his older cousins as their own father angrily lectured them about responsibility and looking after the herd (a metaphor for the family)
    7 to 16
    • After this, he had some minor tumbles but by the age of 9, he was mostly left alone again while he herded his part of the family animals
    • He started to doodle and draw in the dirt and for his 10th birthday, received an old journal with some pencils as his father had noticed his drawings but trusted him to focus on the animals
    • Unfortunately for his father, a friend of the family came to stay out in the country with them. An artist himself, he immediately noticed Enoch's skill and quietly began to teach him the basics while his absence from the fields for such lessons was covered up by his cousins who tended his area of the flock as well.
    • His father quickly prompted an intervention about it just between the two of them as he'd already spoken to his artist friend
    • His father actually understood Enoch's plea and while he was a bit sad, he let Enoch follow his dream to travel to Myrmilio where he could enter an academy to continue his artwork
    • He left for the city soon afterward with the artist, promising to write and visit the family when he could
    16 to 20
    • He stayed with his father’s friend at the edge of the city and was allowed entrance into an art academy in the city
    • During this time, he returned to his family periodically to sketch the countryside, hiking through the terrain with his cousins
    • Once he graduated from the academy, he decided to live at the edge of the city with his old tutor on a more permanent basis
    • One day soon after, a Daendroque baron from Girobalda saw his work and proposed patronage which Enoch accepted
    • He traveled to Daendroc briefly before going to Girobalda and set about pleasing his patron with work
    • When the baron died in the tumult of the Anahera Occupation, Enoch became more freelance and he went to Regalia
    20 to Now
    • For a time he took up working at a printing house, doing illustrations for books on the book blocks while also arranging the blocks
    • During the Lo Occupation, he was kept very busy with all of the propaganda leaflets being printed at the house but he kept his head down
    • When the Occupation ended, he left that job and devoted himself to his artwork
    • He was an Effleur, one of the only ones and despite his young age has managed to make works that please the Emperor. Ultimately however, when the Emperor stepped down, the Effleur was rendered moot
    • He then traveled Maxence, a former Piergarten, growing closer to him to the point that Enoch, while still focusing on his art, also hoped to make his new friend part of his world in a much more intimate way: marriage
    • This ultimately took place, quietly, and they adopted a daughter from his homeland of Etosil who now bears a New Regalian name much as he now has, further Imperializing both to fit his new life and his new life partner
    • Enoch lives and works in the city raising his adopted daughter, Alinde, along with his partner Maxence, certainly further from the action but in many ways, happy for his simpler life
    • Winner Winner x 2
    • Powerful Powerful x 1
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
    #1 HydraLana, Feb 1, 2017
    Last edited: Jul 7, 2020
  2. Lizmun

    Lizmun yeah Staff Member Lore2

    Nov 6, 2012
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  3. TalkChat

    TalkChat Thank you! And goodnight.

    Mar 29, 2015
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  4. TheOverseer__

    TheOverseer__ Captain of Laveer

    Nov 23, 2015
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  5. JarlJade

    JarlJade Regalian Burgher

    Sep 9, 2013
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    Hiya @The_Shadow_King3! You have a wonderfully detailed and thought out application - I wouldn’t expect anything less from a staff member. I found barely any faults in your work. Once you include the point listed below, I’d be more than happy to approve this for you.

    • Earnest and persistent are very similar to one another. Whilst they are just that bit different to classify as their own points respectively, I’d challenge you to add one more personality trait in order to maintain a minimum of six traits that are uniquely different compared to the other points listed throughout your application.

    That’s all! Please highlight any changes you make in green and @tag me when you’re done!
  6. HydraLana

    HydraLana The Very Gay Walking Talking Lore Encyclopedia Staff Member Lore3

    Mar 22, 2013
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    But his persistence is a strength and not one of the traits listed in his personality traits section? I also have 6 traits which I hope are a balance but again, please tell me if you would still like me to add a seventh trait @JarlJade
  7. JarlJade

    JarlJade Regalian Burgher

    Sep 9, 2013
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    It is a strength but it's also really similar to one of his personality traits. It seems a bit cheap to have two things that are alike just to fill up the minimum of each section. It also seems a bit redundant to list something very similar when you've already got it jotted down somewhere else on the application. I'd still add one more personality trait, something that's a little more unique to everything else written.
  8. HydraLana

    HydraLana The Very Gay Walking Talking Lore Encyclopedia Staff Member Lore3

    Mar 22, 2013
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    Done so.
  9. JarlJade

    JarlJade Regalian Burgher

    Sep 9, 2013
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  10. HydraLana

    HydraLana The Very Gay Walking Talking Lore Encyclopedia Staff Member Lore3

    Mar 22, 2013
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    Looking for someone to re-review my character since both Overseer and Jarl are now no longer staff.
    Edits done in blue:
    • Changed an age error, I had him as 20 before even though he was born in 283 and is 21.
    • Changed his body build to meet the new format. Explanation for it is that he was a shepard for almost 17 years of his life, walking around and jumping on rocks a lot. Even when he went to art school, he would spend his spare time visiting his family and doing the same. When he was in Girobalda, he again did the same and overall kept up his toned physique.
    • Updated the end of his life story.
    • Updated everything else to suit the new application format.
  11. HydraLana

    HydraLana The Very Gay Walking Talking Lore Encyclopedia Staff Member Lore3

    Mar 22, 2013
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    Welp, updated his character application to fit recent stuff, and because I'm casually playing him every now and again. Need a new reviewer!
  12. fuithlug

    fuithlug slaps pie+

    Jul 24, 2016
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    he's back...
  13. Arhbi

    Arhbi Peacemaker

    Aug 19, 2018
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    Claimed for review. Expect a reply shortly!
  14. Arhbi

    Arhbi Peacemaker

    Aug 19, 2018
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  15. HydraLana

    HydraLana The Very Gay Walking Talking Lore Encyclopedia Staff Member Lore3

    Mar 22, 2013
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    @Arhbi I changed around a few minor Proficiency points given his birthday and him now being 25, and other changes in the Proficiency System. Nothing is highlighted as it's all rather minor.

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