Blue Blood Noble Family House Von Karlisle


As Useless As SupremeCripple's Legs
Dec 19, 2013
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von Karlisle Crest.webp

House Information:
  • Family Name:
    • von Karlisle zu Hinterberg
  • Noble Class:
    • County
  • Head of House:
    • His Lordship Count Kreiger von Karlisle of Hinterberg
  • Family Culture:
    • Wirtem
  • Family Capital:
    • City of Brückenburg - County of Hinterberg
  • Family Symbolism:
    • The Hinterlöwe (a mythical white-maned Lion creature in local Hinterberg folklore)
  • Family Words:
    • "For my Foes, the Sword. For my Friends, Honor."
    • "Für meine Feinde das Schwert. Für meine Freunde, Ehre."
  • Family Colors:
    • Green, Black & Yellow (Gold)
  • Family Religion:
    • Dogmatic Calemberger Performative Unionism.
  • Family Trades:
    • Fox & Ferret - Pelt Distributor
    • Military Service
    • Various business ventures within Hinterberg and realm taxation
  • Wealth Status:
    • Prosperous/Old Wealth

Family History:

House von Karlisle was an old house known as Karleol during the years of the Wirtemcaller Kingdom, family historians dating their existence in ancient Alt-Regalish records around 30-40. AC or perhaps earlier back into the Petty Kingdom of the Riverlands pre-Cataclysm. Family legend persists that a boy named Karlise was born to the first Petty King of the Riverlands, Otto I von Cadar out of wedlock. Fearing the child's right against his own throne, he cast the boy into a deep den of mythical Hinterlöwe, great white lion-like creatures thought to be protectors of the Hinterberg region. When the King returned the next day to check on his son's demise, he was shocked to find the boy curled up asleep amongst the pride welcomed as one of their own. He ordered his soldiers to kill the boy and beasts, only for the Hinterlöwe to slaughter those without honor. While the King escaped, Karlise would go on to become the bulwark of Hinterberg, taking up the title of its original ruler. While this story cannot be fully verified (particularly because no one has ever seen a Hinterlöwe) and does appear largely myth, von Karlisle members believe they are descended from Karlise, as well as the great ruling house of Greater Calemberg, house von Cadar.

The first real recorded member of the house was Franz-Josef Karlis; a Viridian Commander under King Heinrich I von Cadar, who in 170. AC sided with the blossoming Regal Empire as the Skagger Horde decimated his Kingdom. He took a role as a battle commander during pivotal raids against the Horde, securing high amounts of Velheim gold and other valuable material which made him financially prosperous. In return for the gifting of a portion of this treasure to the Imperial House Irvae, Emperor Allamaria I officially ennobled the house in 179. AC, who changed their name to von Karlisle for better standing with the Imperial Court.

Granted the lands of Hinterberg, Franz-Josef was a key player in the early politics of Greater Calemberg. While not rivaling the Great Wirtem Houses of Cadar, Typhonus & Drachenburg in power, they held their own with their startup company, The Fox & Ferret, a pelt distributor specializing in the fur of Calemberger native mammals. This grew into an enterprise that rivaled similar businesses run by Houses Typhonus & von Moritz. Franz-Josef died at the age of seventy, passing the line to his son Anton von Karlisle in 219. AC. Anton was a martial professor in Regalia's Marshalry, retiring from combat after having his left leg sliced off by a Velheim Beorl Axe during the First Nordskagger War. He died at age fifty-one, though it is unsure if it is due to complications with his injury, or the amount of stress he endured with financial losses during the Purple Bleeding period of the Empire.

Anton had sired a son late into his life, and with his sudden death young Carlomann was to take the reins of Hinterberg at only age six. While some in Calemberg's courts remain skeptical of a child ruler, far preferring one of the Great Houses to take this chance to absorb the land, Carlomann grew into the role, leading with an administrative mindset that saw the development of the county increase, including the introduction of iron mining and steelworks in the region. During the age of Pessimism, House von Karlisle hoarded their prosperity, enforcing tax rules similar to van Sherburne across the region. The only reason Hinterberg locals did not rise up against him is only because he was beheaded by the Baron's Army following his participation and defeat in the Battle of Lausitze.

His titles passed on to his son Strathorne von Karlisle, who redacted his father's tax laws and also took on the role of Senator in 273. AC following the Drachenwald Crisis as one of the members of the Iron Bulwark faction. He helped pass legislation to support the Purist Movement after the death of the Irvae heirs, as well as voting to enact the Chrysant War. Following the Senate's dissolution, House Karlisle would bend to the power of their rising neighbor, House Typhonus, becoming their bannermen. Strathorne would go from politician to military strategist in Archduke Ulric's retinue, providing tactical advice in campaigns such as the First Elven War, Battle of Calemberg, Hadravian War and Second Songaskian War. In 303. AC there was a disastrous explosion in Löwengrube Citadel which was supposedly caused by magic, the aftermath saw two of Strathorne's children dead. After nearly losing own his life during the disastrous Battle of Altaqq (an assault he may have had a hand in the failure of), Strathorne became discouraged and passed along his titles to his eldest son, Volkner.

Volkner, a Lothar Knight is politically and militarily minded like his father, but has pushed his family in a much more Purist direction, reshuffling his court to push anti-occult ideals. In 309 AC their allegiances to House Typhonus were honorably nullified by Ulric following the Archduke's retirement from public life, and in 311. AC the young Lord made his way to Regalia to participate in central politics. He made great headway in reviving the purist movement within the city, exposing the corruption within the du Poncaire government and installing a short-lived inquisition called the Hallowed Hand. Late into 311. AC he was granted the additional counties of Uttgart and Aden from the Imperial Court. With the ongoing Lothar campaign in Drowda, House von Karlisle became one of its main sponsors.

In September 312. AC, another massive magical explosion occurred in Löwengrube Citadel, which caused the fortress to collapse and sink into the Rroine. Volkner happened to be present in the Citadel during its destruction and presumed dead. This created a succession crisis, with the current heir to Hinterberg missing since 300. AC. Instead, the leading members of the family created an Elder Council and nominated Kreiger von Karlisle to the position of count.

Patriarchs of House Karlisle & Rulers of Hinterberg:


Lord Volkner von Karlisle, Count of Hinterberg, Aden & Uttgart, painted 311 AC


179 AC - 219 AC
Lord Franz-Josef I Karleol (von Karlisle), 1st Count of Hinterberg
b. Dec 149. AC - d. 219. AC (70)

219 AC - 234 AC
Lord Anton I the 'One-Legged' von Karlisle, 2nd Count of Hinterberg
b. June 183. AC - d. 234. AC (51)

234 AC - 272 AC
Lord Carlomann I von Karlisle, 3rd Count of Hinterberg
b. Sept 228. AC - d. 272. AC (44)

272 AC - 305 AC
Regalian Senator Count Strathorne I von Karlisle, 4th Count of Hinterberg
b. Sept 245. AC (67)

305 AC - Present
Count Volkner I von Karlisle, 5th Count of Hinterberg, 1st Count of Aden & Uttgart
b. Feb 283 AC - d. 312. AC (29)

312. AC - Present
Count Kreiger I von Karlisle, 6th Count of Hinterberg, 2nd Count of Aden & Uttgart

b. Feb 291. AC (23)


General Theme:

This aristocratic family is made up of high-born Wirtem Militants who serve the will of the Emperor and the pro-military factions within the palace circles. Conservatively minded and politically aligned, they have Unionist fervor with grudges held against the Fornoss-worshiping Velheimers in the North. They are viewed as radically anti-occult, even for the average Wirtem, preferring mundane feats and Ailor Engineering over magical means. They have been firm supporters of the Holy Herebrand Order since their assemble, as well as the Lothar Order and Viridian Order.

Political Nature:
On the subject matters of:

  • Government Structure: Emperor on top with preferably an Arch-Chancellor & State Government.
  • The Imperial Family: Thoroughly enjoyed the military politics of Emperor Cedromar I. Supports the Imperial Kade Dynasty over the old Ithanian Irvae line and bends the knee to the Emperors.
  • Monarchy Power: Absolute
  • Political Philosophy: Conservative Dictats
  • Military Strength: Regalian Standing Army, with a return of aristocrat-commanded levies.
  • The Iron Peace: Preferably dismantled.
  • Noble Privilege: Absolute with oath loyalty to the Emperor & Empire.
  • Border Laws: Closed Borders to foreign states, non-citizens. Exception is trade.
  • Religious Faith: Dogmatic Unionism. All Unionist Schisms are deemed astray and all other faiths are considered heretical and hostile.
  • Magic & Occult: Radically anti-occult. Enforces bans on occult magic within county borders.
  • Gender Norms: Male Dominated - Wirtem Customs
  • Marriage: Arranged or Noble Courtship.
  • Racial Marriage: Restricted.
  • Racial Law: Ailor Superiority.
Culturally Positive to:
  • Regalian Military groups, Lothar & Viridian Orders, Metropolitan Guard & Unionist factions.
  • The Regalian Empire and the Emperor.
  • Wirtem, Cearden, Anglian & Regal Cultures.
  • Purist factions such as the Hallowed Order and Ostwald Circle.
Culturally Opposed to:
  • Occult, Magic users and their factions within the Empire.
  • The Allorn Empire.
  • Ithanian, Velheim & Daendroque Cultures.
  • Crime & Foreign Families.
  • Religions that aren't Unionism.
Appearance Information:
House von Karlisle members come from a Wirtem background, granting them distinguishable features from others. Many members are born with green or steel-gray eyes, as well as having jet-black hair. However an early marriage into the line with Sarnan Leutz-Vixe blood has resulted in red or ginger hair outcomes on occasion. They stand at average heights with average weights and body masses for Ailor, dressing themselves in Wirtem fashions. Though it is not uncommon in this day and age for certain family members to sport Regal fashion adaptations to appeal to the Imperial Court.

Titles & Holdings:

'The Banks of Brückenburg', by Summe zu Aden, painted 311, AC,
It portrays the river Rroine with the Grand Hinterdom Cathedral of Performative Dogmatic Unionism to the right,

  • County of Hinterberg - Kreiger von Karlisle
  • County of Uttgart - Kreiger von Karlisle
  • County of Aden - Kreiger von Karlisle
  • City of Brückenburg - Brückenburg was founded in 211 AC by Anton von Karlisle as a river crossing, and is now a sprawling walled city encompassing the banks of the Rroine River. It is roughly under half the size of neighboring Calemberg city, with various landmarks devoted to Wirtem culture, Unionism & their lieges.
    • Löwengrube Citadel - Once the heart of Brückenburg and the grand seat of House von Karlisle. The keep rested in the middle of the Rroine and was only accessible via two bridges either side of the river bank. The exterior of the castle was decorated with detailed statues of historic figures such as past Emperors and Wirtem heroes, with the most striking being the Hinterlöwe; a mythical lion beast tied to Hinterberg and von Karlisle folklore. One side of the fortress had seen extensive repair work over the last decade due to an explosion in 303. AC, but the entire fortress collapsed with the current ruler of Hinterberg inside in 312. AC due to another explosion. Rebuilding such a grand fortress will prove too costly.
    • Grand Hinterdom Cathedral of Performative Dogmatic Unionism - A domed cathedral in an elevated district in Brückenburg. Completed in 310 AC, it rivals other churches in the city in size and attendance. Its patron is Count Volkner von Karlisle, and Arch-Everian is Wulfhram von Karlisle. The cathedral worships a niche sect known as Performative Wirtem Unionism, a part of the Armageddon Cult local to Calemberg.
    • Castle Ritzenfeld - A small castle nestled in the Oberhainzen Forest, west of Brückenburg. It sits beside Lake Ritzenfeld on the borders of Hinterberg, Essen & Calemberg Counties.
    • Karlis Mine & Steelworks - An industrialized portion of the county, utilizing steamtech and klokktech into production lines. This area has a heavy amount of deforestation, deep mining holes, and heavy clouds of smoke in the air.
  • Village of Letzterhalt- A historic village on the Rroine dating back to the Wirtemcaller Kingdom. Its northern boundaries are surrounded by ancient stone walls from the Skagger Invasion, in a state of disrepair. The town is picturesque of the traditional Wirtem lifestyle.
    • Fort Karlise - A weathered fortress that was the seat of Franz-Josef Karlise, the founder of the family. It is also the burial ground for von Karlisle family members.
    • Frettchenwald Forest - A lush pine forest bordering Letzterhalt, it is the main hunting ground of the Fox & Ferret Pelt Distributors.
  • The Hawk's Nest - An endeavor built on behalf of Klaus von Falkenreich, who briefly resided in Hinterberg as its temporary Duke in 309. AC. The Hawk's Nest is a large watchtower and surveillance outpost, built to monitor regional activity and anticipated Velheim aggression that never came. It is primarily used as the base of operations for the Calemberger Jagers, a militant order who fight with falconers and supply the Regalian military with scouts.
  • Karlisle House - A manor house in Regalia's Noble District that was purchased by Strathorne von Karlisle in 273 AC as his residence during his term as Senator. Karlisle House is the official residence of the family in the Holy City and was refurbished in 310 AC to accommodate an influx of family business.

Family Tree & Playable Characters:

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Lord-Regent Strathorne von Karlisle, by Lady Teddington of Doorin, 308 AC

Family Tree and relation to other Wirtem Noble Lineages:

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Living Family Members:
Main Line:

  • Senator Strathorne von Karlisle [67] [Unplayable]
    • The previous family patriarch, a Senator of the dissolved Regalian Senate and a military tactician of the Empire's campaigns, Strathorne was a competent Count until the Battle of Altaqq during the Hadravian War. The staggering loss affected the man, believed to be suffering from Knight's Syndrome. He lives in Löwengrube Citadel where he confines himself to his quarters and garden.
  • Lady Evonne von Karlisle (née Typhonus) [63] [Unplayable]
    • The wife of Strathorne and a previous member of the Typhonus Household, Evonne was married into the family to secure von Karlisle loyalty under the Typhonus rule of wider Calemberg. While that alliance is void, Evonne's position in the family ensures positive relations between the two Wirtem houses. She is a grand administrator, overseeing the finances and development of Hinterberg.
  • Count Volkner von Karlisle [29] [Played by @Greenie]
    • Volkner was a Herebrand Lothar Knight, vehemently against Occultists and the enemies of the Wirtem people. He was known to be an administrative and no-nonsense ruler, and was a disciplined military tactician who endured most of the last decade of Regalia's campaigns, most notably in the Battle of the Curag Fields. Volkner perished in the destruction of Löwengrube Citadel.
  • Everian Wulfhram von Karlisle [28] [Dogmatic Unionist Priest Concept] [Unplayable]
    • Second son of Strathorne, Wulfhram has similar views to his brother Volkner. He was a keen military commander, with previous experience in Regalia's eastern campaigns against the Songaskian/Hadravian States. More recently he has turned to the cloth, promoting the dogmatic teachings of Unionism through prayer instead of the sword. Wulfhram has relinquished his place as Count-Heir since becoming priestly.
  • Lord Rainier von Karlisle [27] [Played by @Greenie]
    • Third son of Strathorne, Rainier was not raised in Hinterberg and stayed in Cearden family von Leberecht's court. He has always been somewhat estranged by other family members due to never returning home after his wardship ended, presumably taking on another life.
  • Lady Rhiannon von Karlisle [23] [Played by @HeyoBiggums]
    • First daughter of Strathorne, Rhiannan is a Physician & Surgeon, her role in the family's Court is to subject the family's mage prisoners in Bruckenburg to experimentation to see if she can discover a way to remove their powers.
  • Count Kreiger von Karlisle [21] [Played by ShipIt]
    • Last son of Strathorne, Kreiger is a Viridian Knight-Major, one of the few squires spared during the Lo Deathling Occupation's near-destruction of his order. He is bent on upholding the Code of Erhenhof, and is sworn to protect his family. He is somewhat of a socialite in Regalia's noble circles. He became the Count of Hinterberg by election of the Elder Council of Hinterberg.
Cousin Branch:
  • Wilhelm von Karlisle [60] [Playable]
    • Brother of Strathorne and uncle of the Main Line children, Wilhelm is an older Knight of the Viridian Order. He is the Commander of the von Karlisle guard, the Lowengarde. Despite being unmarried, Wilhelm has sired four children to different courtiers.
  • Heidi von Karlisle [35] [Playable]
    • Heidi is a Lothar Knight.
  • Franck von Karlisle [32] [Playable]
    • Franck like his father is a Viridian Knight.
  • Matilde von Karlisle [22] [Playable]
    • Matilde is a young noble socialite, eager to join Regalia's circles.
  • Otto von Karlisle [18] [Playable]
    • Otto is a young scholar, with a budding interest in Ailor history and origin.
Special Characters:
Special Characters are concepts in the family court that aren't family members, but a supporting cast that von Karlisle characters interact with on a daily basis.

(Note: All names + Concepts are changeable on all playable characters. New characters can be added if requested! Please mention which character you are changing up in your application.)


General Rules:
  • Activity: While playing a von Karlisle, I do expect to see some activity as the character. A von Karlisle doesn't have to be your main, but I would like to see some consistency.
  • Motivation: Members should be self motivated, putting a goal behind the character they wish to play as.
  • Occult: Mundane characters only. No mage/vampire/cahal/marken characters. This also extends to God Magic and Affinities. This family is about being the opposite of that and being a hindrance to those groups to create ic conflict. Players who allow their characters to become afflicted will have them revoked or banished. Extremely limited exceptions.
  • Communication: Communication within family circles is key to the cohesion of the house. Players are asked to join the family discord and socialize/discuss with other family players.
  • Noble Privilege: I ask players who are wishing to join to be knowledgeable in Regalian lore, past military history and the noble scene. I also ask that when you play your characters, while being oppressive conservatives, you aren't overly rude or mean to anyone purposely. We aren't here to ruin anyone's day, only to create ic conflict that makes the server fun.
Family Application:
Please understand I shall be selective in picking members to those I believe can do a good portrayal of a von Karlisle.

Forums Name/IG Name:
Current Character Applications: (1 or 2 should suffice)
Past Noble Experience:
Character Applying For:
Motivation for Character:
Tag @Greenie

Last edited:
Page updated with new family member concepts + lore flavoring. Applications are open.
Page updated to reflect recent events and lore refreshed. New cousin line added for recruitment, which is open. Please contact ShipIt or I to express interest!