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Played Character Citlalli

This character is actively played.


Jul 10, 2024
Reaction score
Character Information

Full Name:
(She no longer uses her birth last name, so it's just Citlalli now)


Chantli+Sentli Mix





Mage (Exist Magic)

Character Occupation:
Augustus Frieren's First Mate and Right Hand Woman

Appearance Information:

Citlalli is based on the Greater Bird of Paradise, her feathers matching both her blonde hair and her darker skin, though her larger tail feathers have a few that are a stark white. She's got tons of small little scars and freckles on her body, barely visible unless you look close up. Her eyes are a piercing green tone as well, which she usually brings into her outfits. She's got feathers on her ears and hiding in her incredibly curly hair (4A curls, if you know what those are :] )
Caanborn will see a myriad of silvery veins in replacement of regular blood vessels when looked at, though it will be noted that upon closer examination that it is more prismatic in nature and oddly symmetrical.

Skill Information:


Maquixtl can (with OOC consent) read emotions from other Characters, and suppress their own from being read.
Maquixtl pets live unnaturally long lives, with them being able to apply Gene Editing on their pets to modify them.
Maquixtl can analyze blood to understand the genetic make-up of something, or discover inherited genetic traits or faults.
Maquixtl have extremely sharp eyesight, capable of detecting the author of any written work, if they have read the author's writing before.
Maquixtl may choose one Mechanic from either the Ailor, Fin'ullen, or Eronidas Heritage Traits as a form of personal Genos Editing.

Common: Learned
d'Ithanie: Learned
Nātl: Native
Altalar: Learned
Ibeth: Currently learning

Citlalli is a younger woman, quite small in stature, who has not been around other Maquixtl in a long time. She was raised aligned with the Sentli culture of her mother, her home being on a farm- but they soon ran once raiders came. She returned to the jungle and found a kinship with the many birds there, even taking on her closest compatriot, where she gets her Cōzca Gene appearances from. There, she adapted more to her father's heritage of the Chantli. She named her bird compatriot Iccauhtli (Icca for short), treating him as if he was a part of her life since birth. She and Icca lived in peace until her magic began manifesting itself when she turned nine. Untrained, and quite volatile from her emotions- She began to lose herself to the magic that awoke within her, though her body couldn't handle it for a long time, and her family feared she would be consumed by it, or possessed by something... and it led them to using her in a ritual to try and cleanse her. She lived, but none of them did in turn- and the damage from the ritual burned even her magic to the core. It began to burn her from the inside out, and that was when she met Augustus. They were still young themself, being only 19, but the Narim was in the area and was investigating something regarding an assassin who was also a mage. At the time, they only had one arm, but offered to bring Citlalli along with them to find her a proper teacher, or at least to give her a chance to have people available to assist if she got possessed. This is where she began to truly explore the world, and where she began to figure out to quell the hiss and burn under her skin. She discovered her magic flared up with her emotions after a while, and Augustus- despite not being a mage- helped her calm it for a while. They also swiftly got in touch with people to find her a mentor, though she didn't find one that truly satiated her. The Narim brought her back to her home after four years, where she chose to take Icca and find a way to train her magic in a way that worked for her. This is how she ended up discovering that her blood was her medium, of sorts- her focus. With it, she can cast a variety of smaller spells, though she is by no means a very strong mage. In fact, she still prefers using her legs and her dual-sided glaive. She left to find Augustus again when she turned 18, rejoining them right before they went into hiding for unknown reasons. She quickly rose to be their Right Hand Woman, her skills and stoic nature aiding her in this.


Blood Magic:
Citlalli is, by definition, a blood mage- though strangely her magic is classified as Exist Magic. She also seems to not use it often, though she truly only can use her own blood- meaning (and I cannot stress this enough) she cannot use other people's blood. She uses this in a variety of ways, drawing out her own blood to create spell circles that allow her to better focus her magic with pinpoint accuracy or summon her token glaive.
However, as a consequence, she exhausts easily and tends to be slightly anemic after larger spells. Thus, she really only uses it in small amounts, to summon her usual glaive, or if she's desperate.... She is working on a cure, but hasn't found it.

Despite being a brawler and a sailor, her feathers are pristine. It seems she takes good care of them… or maybe it's Icca's doing.

Citlalli was in Amontaar! Feel free to ask her about her time there.

Packs, Combat Proficiencies and Abilities


Steady Body (Free)

Magic Summon
Magic Revenge (Free)
Magic Resist
Magic Cleanse
Magic Shove
Magic Bolster
Magic Smog
Magic Curse

Bruising Strike
Combat Sight
Knockback Sweep
Shrug Off
Weapon Throw
Technique Parry
Pinning Throw

Attack Stat: Strength
Defense Stat: Magic

Proficiency Points: [14/14 points spent]
Strength: 7
Magic: 7
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